So i got broke/idle and the urge to make money kicked in. I needed something that can pay. Something legal🌚

So i heard of mini importation anf when into it. Raised money to buy shoes from China with plans to sell it and make profits.
The hardest part of the work was selling. I advertised alot and still, for over 3 months, no one bought my shoes. I almost ran into depression then i heard i could place my goods on @Jijinigeria for sale.

I did that cause i really needed to sell those shoes.
Ladies and Gentlemen, within 2 weeks, i had sold all shoes and made my gain!!!!😭

I then started telling my friends about Jiji to sell their goods and in no time, they sold out their goods too. It’s so easy to get customers on Jiji. If u know u have anything u want to sell....
Just place it on JiJi, Thank me later😂❤️
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