Twitter thread of the Community/Social Media Plan behind @FallGuysGame and how I grew the Twitter to 1.1 million followers and discord to 220k so quickly

The screenshots are all from slides I made in January 2020

Firstly - 'Of the platform, not just on it'
Next, do things that don't scale... until you can't possibly do them anymore.

You can build momentum by going the extra mile and doing things that aren't physically possible as you get bigger
This one, you might look at some of the recent tweets and question "What is their value?" but irreverence has value too and is community building. It's actually the super dry and boring posts that you have to be more careful with... not the community memes.
Before I joined Fall Guys as the Community Manager, my last role at Bossa Studios was as "Influencer Marketing Manager". I used to be a YouTuber and Twitch Streamer myself too.

One massive thing you learn - Influencers are far better at Social Media, generally, than brands are
Mediatonic in particular has always been awesome at collaborating with other studios. They've been making games for years with some huge IPs.

I wanted to try and extend that collaboration out to the players and community around Fall Guys
"It costs a lot of money to look this cheap" - Dolly Parton

This also applies to social media. It takes a lot of strategy and planning to look so effortless with the tweets lol.

I spend a long time on each tweet, even if it looks like I just mashed the keyboard to write it lol.
Players are super smart and marketing-savy. I really wanted to try and approach where we're honest, authentic, and open about things that are different, how they work, and sharing things that aren't finished.

I wanted the community to feel super close to the development process
Players mostly just want to feel like they're always being valued and listened to. I wanted to make sure the community feel like we're listening to all of their feedback.

Obviously, you don't have to action everything - but you should always be listening and acknowledging it.
This was a really important one.

The game itself is super bright, colourful, wholesome, and positive. I wanted to reflect this in the social media content.

I wanted the community and social to feel as W H O L E S O M E and P O S I T I V E as the game itself
This one is just something that I'm a bit hardwired to do. I really like to see numbers going up. I love incremental games. Social Media is like an incremental game lol.

It's important to engage your current community, but I was always thinking about how to grow it too.
I hope this one is evident in the tweets. I really wanted to empower in-jokes within the community, memes, and their content.

Boosting this content encourages more players to join your community, but also rewards community members for creating it by giving them a platform
Might also sound obvious - but I'm always looking for ways to ask the community to help us market the game. They all want the game to do well, so if we can think of fun and creative ways to encourage them to get involved... it's win-win for everyone.
These are strengths that I thought (and still think) Fall Guys has.

All of these things, I wanted to tap into for social media too.

It's a game with many strengths lol.
This is something I think has been VITAL to the growth on Twitter.

- Players engage with our social channel and create new content
- I champion that content and share it
- This gets the content out to more people, and grows the community
With Streamers and YouTubers, I wanted us to start registering their interest really early on. We grew a list of over 1,000 content creators, just through organic attraction.

We then combined this with awesome work by @seriouslyclara, who smashed it!
I specifically thought Twitter would be our biggest platform for the game. Just from what I know about Twitter and all the techniques I thought we could use to grow quickly
Where I saw Twitter our biggest platform for reaching new people, I really wanted to focus on Discord for actually being the home of the community.

We could have done instagram, facebook, TikTok, etc... but as it's just me, it made sense to be laser-focused.
That's it for now!

Interested to hear if this was insightful and helpful.

I could talk about community building and social media for days lol.
As always, I just want to promote the idea that Marketing and Community Management is all just a multiplier on the game itself.

Fall Guys is a super appealing game and the devs absolutely smashed it on that front.

My activities were just a multiplier on their awesome work!
You can follow @OliverAge24.
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