Why should I go vegans? A thread.

For the animals, the planet, your health and for other humans.

Put aside your feelings about vegans as a group and try to educate yourself on these issues with an open mind!
I’ll start with humans, since this is the part of veganism that most non-vegans don’t know about. This thread by @beepuke discussing the humans who suffer because of animal agriculture. https://twitter.com/beepuke/status/1262798507481739265?s=20
This article about slaughterhouse workers really shows the human suffering that comes from that job.

Imagine slitting hundreds of throats an hour, having sweet animals nuzzle you like a dog then beating them to death with a pipe.

It effects the environment in all stages. From the methane emissions from the animals themselves, the loss of carbon stored in forests and soil due to deforestation, fossil fuels burned from machinery operated during day to day farming, slaughterhouses, packaging, transport.
For the animals, this is what makes the difference between being plant based and vegan. Veganism is not a diet, it's not just about food but about all forms of animal exploitation and abuse.

Dominion is a great documentary exposing the horrors.

We'll start with the whole eating animals thing since this is the form of animal cruelty that most non-vegans flat out deny is cruelty at all.

Cows natural lifespan is 20 years. Even in the dairy industry, cows are slaughtered once they can no longer produce milk.
To produce milk, cows need to have given birth just like humans. So they are essentially raped, artificially inseminated by having someone's arm stuck them past the elbow to deposit semen in the cow.
How do you think they get the semen from the bulls? A few ways, again, rape. one of which is wanking them off with an artificial vagina. This requires three people: one to handle the teaser animal, one to control the bull and one to collect the semen.
When the babies are born, they are taken from their mothers and the breast milk which is for the babies is sucked out, processed, and drank by adult humans. Weird, right? These babies will go on to be repeatedly raped, made pregnant, sucked dry then murdered as a five year old.
I won't go into slaughter for meat directly because I feel like the realities of that are obvious. no matter how quick and painless a death, animals feel fear. animals do not want to have their throats slit for your dinner. again, watch dominion.
eggs you say? yeeeaahno. Male baby chicks are thrown into a machine that is really just a giant blender. ALIVE.
Look, there's so many problems with animal agriculture. We were raised to ignore it. Now, you're an adult who is capable of using all of these available resources to educate yourself on what goes on behind closed doors and learn the truth, make a change. https://goveganworld.com/why-vegan/the-animals-we-use/
Like I said before, veganism is not only about food. Animal testing, items like leather used for clothing and furnishings, if it has animals in it, that means an animal was exploited against it's will. Not a good thing for the exact same reasons as the dietary ones.
HEALTH. Yes going vegan is good for you. Yes all the "veganism is bad for you" shit is false and has been proven false many times. Watch "what the health" for a better understanding without having to do reading. https://vimeo.com/ondemand/whatthehealth
There are a lot of vegan health myths. The main one is that we can't get enough nutrients. You have to educate yourselves, vegan or not, on nutrition and what to eat in order to get enough nutrition. This is a great guide in how to get all your nutrients.
Finally, before I pop out resources, I want to say that veganism is about doing as much as is practical and possible for you. There is no such thing as a lifestyle totally free of cruelty. But it's so much better to reduce harm as much as you can than cause as much as possible.
Not everyone can go vegan. If you legitimately cannot go vegan, no one is asking you to. But if you can go vegan, other people not being able to is not a valid reason for you yourself to not do it.
I know vegans have a bad rep, but this is not a social club.

You can be vegan and never speak to another vegan in your life. Being vegan is about animals, and the other reasons above. Don't punish animals, the environment, other people and yourself for a few annoying people.

Watching documentaries is the easiest way to learn. Dominion, earthlings, forks over knives, what the health are all great places to start. Watch earthling ed on YouTube.
An amazing resource for all things vegan! 👇🏼

https://twitter.com/nutritionalyeet/status/1108175253149282310?s=21 https://twitter.com/nutritionalyeet/status/1108175253149282310
Low budget vegan meals 👇🏼

https://twitter.com/tyrathetaurus/status/1081995886345900032?s=21 https://twitter.com/tyrathetaurus/status/1081995886345900032
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