I’m seeing lots of posts about mental health, burnout, and overwork during the pandemic. I’ve worked at home for years and here are a few thing I do to stay sane, a thread:
Have a dedicated work space. When I’m at my desk, I’m working. When I’m not at my desk, I’m not working. My family knows this. The kids will still interrupt because they need things, but even the 5 yr old understands the difference.
Limit notifications on your mobile device. Get all the notifications you want at your desk on your laptop. My coworkers and customers know that they need to text me in an emergency. Otherwise, I’ll see the notifications when I’m at my desk. This includes email!
STOP working all the time. Set hours that work for you and walk away outside of them. Period. A dedicated work space makes this easier.
Find activities that feed your soul. For me, it’s quiet time for reading and journaling with classical music playing in the morning. It’s hot baths, light and fluffy Netflix binges, audio books and deep chats with friends. It’s driving around the lake and ice cream with kids.
Take whole days off — for most of us, this is the weekend. You need margin. Now that our lives and workplaces are colliding YOU have to build in the margin.
If you’ve tried these things, or if you can’t find the energy to do them, GET HELP! Most counselors are now meeting via Zoom. I’ve done it. Friends have done it. There’s no shame in needing help, perspective and new strategies. We are all a hot mess and need help sometimes!
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