I’m bogging myself down in the data, which is difficult and frustrating to extrapolate in any meaningful way on the community level. So here is today’s main takeaway: @IAGovernor repeatedly directed us to the data and the metrics of @IAPublicHealth. Do you remember this? 1/8
I remember it well. I was afraid. I was clinging to those numbers, just like I was told to do. I watched them carefully. So thank you @IAGovernor for directing me to do just that. 2/8
The problem is: they were wrong. The entire time. Even the date of our first reported positive cases here in Iowa has moved from March 9 to March 7. All of our history in Iowa during this pandemic was just rewritten. 3/8
I’m remembering cancelling OR cases across our state, and then deciding if it was safe yet for hospitals to restart them again. We looked to “the data” then too. And it was wrong. Very, most completely, inaccurate. 4/8
I remember when we were deciding whether it was safe to reopen our businesses and restaurants with minimal guidance or support on how to do it. We looked again to the data. Which was inaccurate. 5/8
Now you want to reopen schools. You fixed one of MANY errors, and these are just those we know. How now do we look to the data? 6/8
You need to earn back our trust. The only way for me at this point is to call in some different experts. There are so many at your disposal. I’ve talked to many of them now, and they are incredible and brilliant people. 7/8
So go to them now. Ask them what metrics we need to reopen schools. Ask them what precautions to take in the communities and help make it happen. Do this for #Iowa. #InThisTogether 8/end
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