Michael Aquino: The dark side
4. Hear the testimony of a witness to Aquino’s involvement in ritual abuse, mind control and child trafficking in the Franklin Scandal (oh, and, like everyone else who speaks out against Aquino, including Max Spiers – he’s dead now):
5. When Aquino’s child abuse activities were first exposed in the main stream media, he donned theatrical robes, gelled his eyebrows, and publicly hammed up his involvement in satanism.
He bragged openly about being a priest in the Temple of Set. This pop-satanism cover was a ‘psyop’ designed to divert attention from the true nature of his involvement in high Luciferian ritual abuse and CIA mind control techniques.
5. Aquino’s victims who are currently speaking up

David Shurter, Marianne Bernard, and Sarah Ashcraft are also direct victims of Michael Aquino’s sadistic torture, rape and murder of children, committed in the name of national security.
David Shurter’s father was directly involved in the Franklin child trafficking operation in Omaha Nebraska. Sarah Ashcraft’s father was a founding member of Aquino’s satanic cult. She was trafficked by her family to Hollywood elite including Tom Hanks.
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