HRT thread:
I'll explain how and where I acquired the hormones later, but first my experience. A reminder that this is my experience only, as they say results may vary. It's tough to say how much is mental and how much is hormones, so take this information as you will...
For the first 5 days I only had estradiol a form of estrogen. My first day taking it I felt euphoric and immediately my sex drive went way up. For a couple days I had some mild nausea, as well as some occasional tingling in my body, and hot/ cold flashes. That stabilized but...
my emotions did not LOL. Yes, for better or worse you will get emotional. It has made TV more entertaining. What's going to make me laugh, what's going to make me cry? Who knows. Haha. You're going to be happy most of the time, but you also may be really sad...
After the few days my skin was already getting a shine, the hair on my head was a little nicer? My sweat began to smell different during exercise. My nipples ever-so-slightly swelled negligible. Then that's when I got spironolactone started, an androgen blocker...
This depletes testosterone levels and let's the estrogen do its job better. It's also a diuretic so drink lots of water, and a blood pressure medication. As someone relatively healthy,. I noticed my heart rate would be higher on average at the end of my workouts...
T blocker really messed with my stomach at first, back to nausea plus irregular BMs. Things have since begun to balance. I continue to get more in touch with my emotions, less sweat, the beginning of softer skin, and Fuller head hair, and my body hair lightened and softened...
My cheeks began to raise and puff a bit making me a little cuter but I still have a ways to go. 😛 My butt and thighs already are becoming a bit more shapely. My nipple is went from numb feeling to now a bit sensitive and raw. They are now noticeably getting puffy...
Already feeling the beginnings of breast, maybe early. Large breasts run in my family so let's hope. 🤞I'm still flat as a board, but my partner says it's noticeable. Forgot to mention facial hair still a pain it's never going to be easy for us hairy peeps. Now the sexual stuff..
Sex drive settled after a bit, erections still easily happen, just take more focus. Things feel more intimate and personal, simple stroking doesn't do it, more sensual, rubbing, focusing on the tip which will someday be the clit. There's a total pelvic tingling feeling...
It's really amazing actually and changes your perspective on things. Not sure if I'm explaining it well. My testicles are averaging a smaller size. But I swear I was a tanuki in a past life because going from golf balls to ping pong balls again negligible. LOL...
But yeah have fun humping pillows. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Oh and the semen is a bit thinner. With that that summarizes my first almost a month on male to female HRT. Now onto how I acquired it and there is a reason why I saved this information for last...
I struggled finding a place in my area it took me awhile to get connected to the resources. Looking everywhere calling everywhere even endocrinologists ignoring my call. I eventually found a free equality clinic run by the local med school so keep an eye out for places like that.
They are very supportive and great but their hours and staff are limited. But care though limited is better than none. However, this is not where I ended up going. I ended up at Planned Parenthood. Yes, they do HRT! And if you have insurance or a live in a progressive state US...
They are great and will work with you. I am hesitant to share this on social media because I feel like other trans people should know, but I also feel if the news gets out to conservatives that they provide HRT with 0 gatekeeping, then they would have another reason to attack...
the place. So, I scheduled my appointment with them and when the day of my appointment came I walked out that day with a prescription! As I said no gatekeeping. Only making sure that you are physically healthy enough to handle this because it is hard on your body, second puberty!
When I was able to pick up the estradiol my partner noted that was the first time she'd ever seen me with a genuine smile. 🤷🏻‍♀️ So they take blood, ask questions about your health and make sure you have emotional support for your journey....
They also offered connection to services for voice therapy and local affordable places for electrolysis in the future. Such amazing people please support them however that may be with your votes. They're an excellent place for women in general, also the lgbtq+ community...
I live in a conservative state where they force them to bill so I'm lucky I have my disability insurance going blind pays off for once in my life. The other states planned Parenthood can help you. But if those are options again look for an equal access clinic...
Equal access clinics can provide free check-ups and blood tests and help you providing coupons and discounts for your prescriptions. I think this about wraps things up. I'll be back weekly with shorter updates. And will let people know about future plans for videos and raffles..
Please comment your own differing experiences if you wish.

And transmen I would love to hear from you. Do you only take testosterone, is there a secondary medication? How has it affected you going the other way? feel free to educate us! 💗...
Hope this has been an interesting read. Always sending love! Stay true to yourself and never be afraid to be just that! Thank you for your support and continued help with my GoFundMe to help with my dysphoria / my transition dream goals, and general emotional support!
Oh and in case people are curious my starting dose was 1 mg estradiol and 50 mg spironolactone. I will be seeing my doctor again in October for another blood test and dosage adjustment if needed.
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