First, gastro training is hard

It’s a big curriculum:

Plus, procedures:
✅Emergency GI bleeding

The triple-whammy is internal medicine training, with lots of on-call non-gastro work
Second, trainees struggle to achieve this in the 5-year programme.

Previous work from @BSGTrainees shows that trainees struggle to complete colonoscopy training, with half of final year trainees not signed off.

These pressures lead to gastro trainees having some of the highest rates of burnout of higher medical trainees.

It has become the norm to take time out of training to gain sub-specialty experience, as many trainees do not feel ready for consultant roles without it.

So things aren’t great.

But they're about to get a whole lot harder, as Shape of Training means that gastro training will reduce to 4 years. This will really add on the pressure.

So even before COVID, gastro training was facing a wicked series of challenges.

And then…

...COVID appeared.

Endoscopy & clinics cancelled. Trainees seconded to COVID rotas. Exams & teaching cancelled. Shielding trainees could not do patient-facing work. The impacts on endscopy have been highlighted nicely ( @RashidLui @drkeithsiau & co)
So how do we address the COVID problems, AND make a better training environment to address the existing challenges of gastro training, and the shorter training time from Shape of Training?

Here are our thoughts:


✅High-volume endoscopy blocks early in training
✅Embed endoscopy simulation in all regions
✅Research how best to use endo simulation
✅Develop alternative methods of delivery of non-technical skills training
✅Mandate 1 year on UGI bleeding endoscopy rota

🚨Clinics and sub-specialty experience

✅Remote consultation software with multiple clinicians to facilitate training and assessment
✅Early trainees may prefer FTF
✅Specialist service meetings to offer virtual access to regional trainees
✅Virtual specialist ward rounds


✅Curriculum-mapped training, delivered online and FTF
✅Regional collaboration to help standardise content
✅Sub-specialist meetings could be recorded and used for online learning materials

✅IM and Gastro are, to some extent, in conflict with one another in a zero-sum game
✅Training time needs to be balanced between them if the programmes are to produce excellent dual-accredited specialists that patients deserve

✅Gastro training needs to be ring-fenced to allow a total of 3 years equiv FT (as in EU & AUS)
✅May work best with blocks of IM rather than constant on-call
✅Will allow more gastro on-call, helping UGIB rotas, in-reach, & direct admissions, reducing pressure on medicine

Some of this will be easy. Other aspects are really tricky, & will need time, investment, and change in mindset to achieve.

However, if we grab this opportunity, we can hugely improve Gastro training in the UK, to the benefit of patients, doctors, and gastro services.

We really want to hear what the UK gastro community think about the challenges in training. We hope this piece helps start that discussion.

Finally, thanks to the reviewers and the great team @FrontGastro_BMJ - @RMBeattie50 @Jonathansegal85 @DrPhilipJSmith and colleagues.

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