This debate essentially boils down to whether you believe that schools should prepare pupils for the way the world is, or the way it 'should be'. Whether schools should be mirrors or windows.

I think lots of teachers have sympathy with the view that standard English shouldn't be held up as 'better', or even 'correct'. However, they are acutely aware that it is a necessary tool for navigating and getting ahead in the world. It's a responsibility we take seriously.

It doesn't do a kid any good to send them into the world under-equipped in terms of language with a consoling "Gosh, the world really shouldn't be this way."

Schools are the safeguard against certain rules of grammar and language types dominating.

Schools, where language is taught effectively, have democratised what was previously an exclusive & elitist system of making judgments about some groups of people. That's no longer the case *unless schools refuse to teach it*. That would be a huge own goal in terms of equity.

Do: teach standard spoken and standard written English really well. Gift pupils with proficiency in these forms of speaking and writing.

Don't: say, or imply, that it is 'better' or 'more correct' than other dialects or language forms.

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