So I want to chat submission transparency because it is something I think we don't often talk about.

I am a big fan of trying to make authors feel like have all the same information they would have if they were doing it themselves. I think going on sub is so stressful already.
Imprints can have alot of editors. And they aren't exactly the same. (Different seasonings making up the brand's unique 1 seasoning as it were). While agents know things about editors you as authors might not, if you were doing this yourself, you would look up that editor's books
You would want to get a feel for your potential future partner.

It also brings you further into the publishing ecosystem. Just like you needed to research agents to know the names, now you need to see editor names to start to pair them to your favorite books.
We all have dream teams. People who we think just do some amazing books and if we were selected by them, well then break out the party glasses.

Who are your dream editors? Discover them. There are some truly amazing people, doing absolutely amazing work.
And i love trying to make that happen. Which is why I am transparent in my sub process. I want you to learn from it just like you did when you queried.
And sometimes authors know things we agents don't. Seeing that list of names might be the moment when you can ask about the strategy or ask how sub works.

Understanding the process keeps you from having more stress in my opinion. And less stress and anxiety is good.
This is my feelings on sub. Because you are building trust with your agent. And you should be able to ask those questions.

Every agent is different, but it is worth asking for your sublists so you can know who you might work with on a book you work hard on.
P.S. sometimes the quirk with submissions (and this is whybi love it) is that the editor you think a manuscript will be perfect for is not perfect for it.

And then the person you are not 100% sure? Yeah they might be the perfect one.

This is why sub is fun.
And i do mean fun! Because you never know who is going to love the manuscript your agent heart loves. And you are trying to find the editor who will fan girl with you just as much. But they also need to be the right for that manuscript too.
Honestly i could ramble about this subject forever so I am going to stop now. Lol.
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