As the World Turns.

Q post 1226 clearly says its a Marker. "Everything has meaning". But what does it mean?
1. This marker occurs quite a few times. So I collected all of them and tried to figure out what it could mean.
Sometimes its in ALL CAPS, but other times only A,W & T are in capital letters.
2. Here are a couple of posts which implicate that whatever it means, its pretty darn profound! These include the relationship b/w Hussein & "Wendy", JFK Jr's death and even MKUltra being weaponised to attempt POTUS' assassination [YT link: ]
3. Hussein is clearly implicated by this as a p3d0ph1le and proven to be involved in chi1d trafficking.
4. "What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?"

"What if texts suggest foreign allies were involved?"
5. Q says, "This door will be opened later."

What is the door?
As the World Turns?
Anthony Weiner Texts?
Lead-in to Emails from his laptop?
6. [Meeting between Comey and Coleman on October 4]
About whom did they discuss? Anthony Weiner.

Remember point 4 above? "..texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals].."
7. Notice Q highlighted [sic] in bold. "Weiner" is misspelled as "Wiener". Intentional? Same game as "corney" & "comey"?

Point (2) is also in bold. Wonder what the [Unrelated] topic was. Related to POTUS' assassination plans?
8. "Weiner's laptop may contain new records involving Clinton" (and much more)
9. What else did his laptop contain?
Info on the pedo-crime ring involving Clintons, Epstein etc etc.
Remember Hussein & Wendy in point 3 above?
10. We don't know exactly when this MOAB will drop, but rest assured, the good guys have it all. And it will happen when the time is right. You can already see it building up with Epstein, and now Maxwell's arrest.
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