This is my friend @Alyssa_Milano. She’s there for me at any hour, no matter what I’m going through. She has no judgement, an empathetic ear with thoughtful advice. She inspires me every day. I have no idea how she does it all. I do a lot & she makes me feel like I’m asleep on my
couch. Did u know she volunteered in a children’s hospital in South Africa for 3 months? She’s a @UNICEF ambassador & has been fighting against injustice most of her life. Kissing Ryan White & dispelling painful #HIV myth was beautiful. Have u watched the #EpsteinFiles? With one
Brave tweet she changed the world. She credits the incredible Tarana Burke for starting the movement all the time, she’s very humble about her part in it, but the fact is her #MeToo tweet caught fire & awakened millions of Mothers of dragons locked in towers including myself.
The media loves a good cat fight, but this isn’t what this is. Any vote pulled from Biden is a vote for Trump, a man who brags about sexual assault. A man who pays off prostitutes, prob still does with your taxpayer money. He & his fam & buds keep getting richer while average
Americans are losing everything including their lives. The country is in shambles; losing the fight of this global pandemic, losing the common sense gun law battles resulting in millions of innocent lives lost. Obama left the highest office a magnificent tower of hope, prosperity
healthcare, protections for the environment and wildlife, brilliant comprehensive programs & acceptance. Trump smashed it all to shit like a two year old jealous of an awesome LEGO build and we need a leader that can pick up all the pieces. We need someone to unite & rebuild all
we have lost with a psychopath toddler at the wheel. I love u sis, keep fighting the good fight, & thanks for being there for me & for all your time & devotion you put into helping others. #AlyssaMilanoIsALie 💙
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