This thread will be about what's happening in Lebanon, the Beirut 4th of August explosion, why it's very important to donate to our fundraiser #FTforLebanon, where the money will be going to and more! So please read ahead ♥️
First of all I assume you have all seen videos & photos of the explosion in Lebanon, & if not then I will be linking some towards the end of the http://thread.To  put everything into perspective, the explosion is considered to be the biggest non-nuclear explosion in history
It happened at the Beirut port which is the main entry for imported food & medical supplies in Lebanon, the 1km area around the explosion has been completely wiped out. Damages have been reported up to a 10km radius leaving 300,000 homeless,countless of them lost their businesses
The death toll so far is 177 but more bodies are being recovered every day as many flew into the sea or are still stuck under the rubble (400 people are still missing after nearly 2.5 weeks) & 6000 were injured (many who lost limbs and had severe cuts due to shattering glass)
The estimated damages are between 10-15 BILLION dollars! Now before the explosion the Lebanese community was already suffering from an economic crisis and the lebanese pound has lost 86% of its value which left thousands of families on the brink of starvation.
Our country is run by a very corrupt careless government who knew about the storing of Ammonium Nitrate and were reminded of its dangerousness several times since 2013 but they didnt take action and their negligence lead to this explosion.
If you want more facts regarding the corrupt lebanese government then check @/lebanon.corruption.facts on instagram
Our hospitals are already very overcrowded and now theres a spike increase in Covid-19 cases and several hospitals were hugely affected by the damage so there is not enough medical supplies.
The families that were starving before the explosion now don't even have a roof over their heads. Our children are traumatized as many of them witnessed something no child should ever witness (many of the deaths were also children)
So with all this suffering from protesting the government in 2019, to the economic crisis, to the Covid-19, to the explosion that tore Beirut apart, the resilient Lebanese community has had more than enough tragedies and really need our international support!
EXPLAINING WHERE THE MONEY IS GOING TO: Because of the government corruption no donations should go to any government related relief organization or charity as about a one-third of the money would not be going directly to the people.
So we have decided to donate:
-75% of the money to the Lebanese Red Cross (RLC)

-25% of the money to the Children's Cancer Center of Lebanon (CCCL)
The Lebanese Red Cross is the most unbiased and trustworthy option as all of their employees and volunteers are on the ground helping out in any way they could even beyond the medical world! They don't see color or religion. I have grown up around them and they have my full trust
As to CCCL it is a Lebanese cancer hospital that treats children with cancer for FREE, it has always been based on donations but now the hospital is severely damaged and these children could relapse or get worse if they don't get their treatment as their parentss cant afford it.
I live abroad and I felt helpless because I cant be helping out my people on site so this is the best thing we can do from here! Beirut has been destroyed 8 times throught history and it will rise again♥️

If you have any further doubts or questions dm me or dm @FTFORLEBANON
This is a compilation of the videos of the explosion
(1)Man who lost his leg helps his community out regardless

(2)She lost her brother, husband, and cousin

(3)15 year old boys carrying the coffin of their friend who suffered for 2 weeks

(3)Newborn baby in his injured fathers arms at the hospital after the explosion
I will now be attaching personal stories shared with the BBC
And finally here is the link for our fundraiser! Also when donating the second smaller box below that says 15% goes to the website so you can change it by choosing other then 0.00! Please donate anything you can 🥺🥺 Every little helps🤍♥️🤍♥️
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