I want to tell you a little story

Where I came from and how I got to here

I didn’t always have Everfit

But I always knew I was an entrepreneur...
The earliest sign that I knew I was a little different and ambitious

Was one of the first times I went to Toronto.

My mother pointed to a CIBC high rise tower and said

“Look Marshal, if you work hard in school, you can work at the top of that tower!”
... to which I replied

“No mom, I’m going to OWN that tower”

I was 6 years old.

Fast forward to 2012.... (15 years old)

I stumbled upon twitter

And I saw million follower pages on here

I thought to myself... hey that’s kind of cool

Imagine talking to a million people?
So at 15, I began growing an anonymous twitter account out of curiosity

It grew FAST.

It was a “car porn” account that grew to 100,000 followers in under 6 months.

It grew so fast, people were offering to buy it off me

So I sold it.
I was 15 years old, fresh to high school, and I had just sold a twitter account for $4,000 USD

I felt like a king

And around my local high school, I became known as “the kid who makes money on twitter”

It was a great feeling being accomplished

So I started another account.
This time, over the next couple years, I grew THREE accounts to over 100,000 followers each

And they grew quick, too.

By 2015, I had a network of 800,000 followers on twitter

I had a near full time income at 18 years old from simply tweeting
At this point, I knew there was something different about me than my peers

I had a ridiculous drive to achieve.

So in 2015, I started my first company

It was a dropshipping company

Far before most of you guru’s were around.
To my own amazement, I did over $400,000 of sales in a little over 2 years

0 Facebook ads. 0 ad costs. I used my twitter accounts to sell to for free

I had more money than I knew what to do with

So I decided to go to university in 2016
Throughout the next few years, I continued my dropshipping venture

And was able to pay for school and avoid student loans.

It was a great feeling.

However, I still felt empty at certain times

I didn’t feel like I deserved all this
I DID know I worked my ass off growing accounts and the company....

But something still felt off.

So I did a very bold business move.

I got rid of ALL my twitter accounts on a whim.

And bought one massive 800,000 follower Instagram account with the money in mid-2016
It was risky as hell.

I decided to risk the very things that brought me ALL of my sales, on a whim

It was a gut feeling that told me to switch to Instagram from twitter

So I did

And boy, it was the best decision I ever made.
I continued with the dropshipping company the same way I did with twitter

Only this time, I advertised it on my massive Instagram

And it worked! Better than ever

....until 2018.

When Instagram felt like it “died” basically overnight.
Conversions lacked, my company sales started plummeting, and I had been feeling empty for quite some time

I fell depressed

You see, the money I was making, felt pointless

I dropshipped clothes, but felt like I didn’t deserve all of this for what I was doing.

Then 2019 hit....
And in February of 2019, I made another huge decision.

MASSIVE decision. Risky as hell.

I sold my Instagram on a whim.

For $30,000 USD.

The very thing that was paying for my schooling and life was now gone.
But why would I do that?

I decided to take a lump sum so I could take a massive leap and start what I REALLY loved.

Health and fitness.

I had been eyeing it down for some time... but I just didn’t know where or how to start

So I came back to Twitter out of nowhere....
Sort of jokingly actually.

I had the balls to create a fitness twitter account

To which I was sitting on the toilet one day and thought of the name “TheForeverFit”

“Wow, that’s kinda catchy” I thought to myself
But to be honest, before I could tweet, I felt insecure and like I would be judged by people i knew around me

That’s when I found @joserosado.

And his tweets really resonated well with me

“PUT YOURSELF OUT THERE. SELL YOURSELF. Who cares what anyone you know thinks”
So I started tweeting about what I loved

And before I knew it... I started gaining traction on here

This is when I saw the opportunity for me to do what I’ve always wanted.

Start a fitness and health company

So I brainstormed, and I came up with Everfit from my username...
I thought it sounded great

Everfit sounded like it promotes longevity and sustainability, FOR LIFE

Which is exactly what I believed in.

Not short term shit.

It felt like everything was slowly starting to fall into place.

So in April 2019, I closed my first business
....even though it was still making some sales and money

I wanted to turn my entire focus to Everfit.

And in the last year, that is exactly what I’ve done.

Fast forward to today...

16,200+ people look towards me for fitness and health knowledge

16,200+ people trust me
... to help them achieve their goals.

And I can’t put the words in this tweet to describe the feeling it gives me.

I wake up every morning HAPPY and READY to crush everyday

To help people I don’t even know, most of which I’ll never have the pleasure of meeting around the world
To say that I’m grateful is an understatement.

But I also know that I’m damn proud of the 8+ years of ridiculously hard work I’ve put in to get where I am.

Today, Everfit is well into being a 5 figure brand.

And in a matter of 6 months, it will be a 6 figure brand
And in a matter of 5 years, it’ll be a 7 figure brand.

And you won’t be able to tell me otherwise.

I’ve always ruthlessly believed in myself, even when I doubted my own accomplishments

Even when I lived without electricity in 2014

Even when I lost my dad to ALS in 2016
Even when I had people tell me I’ll never be able to compete in that industry.

All I want you to take from this is


Whether it’s a business, fat loss, muscle gain... whatever.

It doesn’t matter. The same principles apply.
I’m only 23 years old

And know that if I can do it


Age is a fucking number. Not a limit.

You need to UNLEASH the FIRE in YOU that was lit in me at a very young age

Because you never know how far it will take you in a short amount of time
/End story

If you’re still here, thank you for taking the time to read this

I want you to take what you will from my story and apply it to your own life

In whatever form it may be

You will be absolutely astonished at what will happen in your life with a little hard work.
Also, don’t be afraid to make massive leaps

Taking massive educated risks is what has brought me to where I am today

Without those leaps, I would likely still be in a downwards spiral

Educated risks are key.
You can follow @TheForeverFit.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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