Ten years ago @HackneyAbbott became a patron for reading Pride. This was when lesbians were welcome at Pride; when we weren’t called bigots for being same sex attracted females. https://twitter.com/HackneyAbbott/status/1297111272790593536
At that time, this patronage was welcome, homophobia was and still is a problem. But, the Queer ideologues and the fetish community have been increasingly tagging themselves onto Pride and our community.
They have snuck in their identity beliefs and made fetish something to be proud of, but homosexuality something ‘phobic’ and ‘bigoted’.
Here is a video with a trans activist at Trans Pride explaining why ’gender beliefs’ makes homosexuality ‘redundant’.
I digress. So @HackneyAbbott was a patron for Reading Pride, but this sub-group ’My Umbrella’ have tagged themselves on. And this is a good example of how these groups claim legitimacy and appropriate homosexual culture and community.
One of the reasons LGB people want to separate from Pride and from Stonewall is because of the Queer Ideologies that are being used in our name. They say that fetishes belong with us...But these fetishes have nothing to do with having an LGB sexual orientation.
While some LGB people may have a fetish, the majority of fetishists are heterosexual, &again, this has nothing to do with LGB rights. As a Radical Feminist I am critical of parafilias,& do not support sexual fetishes, especially ones that are degrading or include sexual violence
As a Radical Feminist I am against violence against women and girls, racism and porn, so BDSM, ’Age Play’, ’Slave Play’ etc are abhorrent and perpetuate a culture of abuse towards women and children.
But as these groups push their beliefs, sneak in through the back door, and try and normalise their parafilias, there will be a backlash. And who gets the blame? Not the men who groom women into these activities, not the pornographers, not the post modern Queer Theorists and-
the fetish community, (Who by the way are rife with scandals-only one look at sex offenders will show you they populate this community) but the blame will go onto people who had nothing at all to do with these things, in this case women, like Diane Abbot, &ultimately LGB people.
I am a lesbian who does NOT want to be associated with these kinks and fetish parafilias. These people are NOT part of MY COMMUNITY, they DO NOT represent me and my orientation is NOT A FETISH.
@HackneyAbbott I stand in solidarity with you as a woman and as a woman with dual heritage, against the blaming that has come your way because our good causes have been hijacked. I am sorry this group tried to claim you represented them.
And it is about time that people started seeing what is happening here. Lesbians need proper representation-not only did this group push their made up beliefs they also removed the true definitions for gay, lesbian and bisexual. This is homophobic and this is a problem.
This is THE REASON for the LGB Alliance @ALLIANCELGB because we have as a community been appropriated and misrepresented, and a new homophobic belief system has taken root.
This incident also shows how important it is to shine a light on what these organisations do and how they do it, and what they are pushing. We must stay vigilant because groups like this have always historically tried to infiltrate the Left.
And unfortunately at present they are doing a really good job of it. Well I am Left and and I have not moved to the centre, and the Left has been captured by such groups. How is this so? The answers lie in Women’s Liberation history, and the so called ‘sexual revolution, feminism
lesbian and gay liberation, and the sex wars. The answers lie in third wave feminism adopting a neoliberalist Thatcherite approach, as explained here:
And the answers lie in the fact that leftie men, socialist men, gay men, did not listen to the women’s liberation movement when we spoke out against our sexual objectification, commodification and thought it was their right to buy us and sell us.
All of these things are connected, this is shy being a socialist isn't enough, I have to be a feminist too.
Look at the work of @DrJessTaylor of @GailDines of @ALLIANCELGB this will help make all of this make sense.
It is so important that we weed out groups like this, who push dangerous parafilia fetishes and try to normalise them, and for us to look at the root of the problem, before the wrong people get blamed, and we LGB people face a real public backlash. END.
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