So all of you say that the dresses are identical. Well at the outset, as a friend to you all, I would simply like to start by saying that I hate the act of copying. The first dress is of an American retailer that I love almost to a point of obsession and purchase regularly.
The second dress is an Indian Label, supposedly envisioned to build a one-stop-shop for the culturally curious and fashion-forward Indian urbane woman, the lifestyle brands which are handpicked, styled, and "designed" by a trio of our very famous Bollywood wives. Then why is the
second dress an exact copy of the first? Should Indian designers follow the Chinese ways even where they can be utmost creative? Well some would say it's debatable and I am not criticizing the Indian brand in anyway. But some of us can tell when a baby is a knock-off! I feel
that many who are reading the tweets are young minds who were until recently clutching on to many Chinese apps that sell goods as "cheaper and reliable versions of the original". In no time, the purchases are justified as value for money and more in number. That is my point.
Why more in number? Why spend on rip-offs at all? The beauty of ONE original is far tantalising than the multitude of MANY. Rather be creative than a copier. Let only originality thrive. So just saying again:
Less is More
One original is better than many fakes.
Apply it much!
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