#PippaHackettsBill There has been barely any discourse around this new bill which seeks to give the Minister unprecedented powers and restricts people's right to appeal decisions around forestry planning. Gobsmacking that @pippa_hackett & @greenparty_ie would prioritise this 1/ https://twitter.com/Env_Pillar/status/1294233374396211201
2/ The consultation around #PippaHackettsBill has bn woefully inadequate as has its publicisation. Consultation closes Fri 28th. Forestry mgmt is vital to get right; this is not the way. Email [email protected] with submissions or request to extend consultation
4/ I know it's not sexy with all that's going on right now but please take a few minutes to read up on it as it has very far-reaching consequences. Will be reading up myself later to see how she has attempted to justify it #PippaHackettsBill
Also an RT or two or the thread would be great, tks.

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