As someone from the Highlands and Islands, I find the ‘how did anyone know where the PM was camping?’ line frustrating. Rural Scotland is not desolate. People live there. If the PM rocks up with a security entourage and builds a massive tent, locals will notice.
So much of the portrayal of rural Scotland - both in England and the Scottish central belt - equates it to isolation. Of course it differs from urban spaces in terms of population density, but, funnily enough, communities live there. It’s not empty, secret space.
Also, the idea that locals wouldn’t tell each other that the PM is kicking about is hilariously off the mark. I have literally never known news to travel faster than in small communities.
If you want to see how fast news can travel, I’d recommend living on an island when the police take the ferry over to carry out speeding checks and everyone, their granny and their dog knows about it in a matter of minutes.
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