A few things to promote today - most importantly it's #democracyday - @MakeVotesMatter are organising nationwide protests calling for a fairer voting system. Fundamentally - all the structural changes us good progressives want to see are never going to happen until...(1/6)
THE VOTING SYSTEM IS FAIR! I taught A-Level politics for 10 years and what amazed me was how little other ADULTS understood about the problems with our electoral system. But the biggest secret that most people don't realise is.... (2/6)
The voting system will never change until @UKLabour support it. The Conservative party is never going to support it - First Past the Post is the reason they have been in power for so much of the last 100 years. Until Labour support changing the voting system we're stuck (3/6)
But I'm not going out much these days (did you know there's a pandemic?) so can't take a protest photo for #democracyday BUT I also have had to miss my annual trip to @GreenManFest and from this afternoon they are doing an amazing #fieldofstreams event. So... (4/6)
Here's me @GreenManFest 2017, photoshopped to remind you all that we need to #MakeVotesMatter (5/6)
And finally here is the same picture that my partner photoshopped to put a raccoon on my head - for giggles). Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk (6/6)
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