Let’s examine the Libbu allegation of majoritarianism in relation to Hagia Sophia. Does this allegation stand scrutiny? Hagia Sophia was built on top of a pagan Temple using columns brought from various other pagan temples from the region and beyond.
Now if we apply the Libbu logic of going back to original then Hagia Sophia should be dismantled and the columns stolen from various other temples be returned. Why do Libbus start their history at a random date they like? Oh yes to show Muslims as exceptionally aggressive!
The Romans didn’t conquer the east by distributing roses along the way. It was a bloody conquest and the Roman Empire stretched far and wide. If the pagan Temple over which Hagia Sophia was built rightfully belonged to Romans then after Muslims defeated Romans it belonged to them
Why do Libbus consider Roman conquests as legitimate but Muslim conquest as aggression? Now Hagia Sophia had been a mosque for 485 years before it was turned into a museum by big daddy of Libbus Ataturk. If it’s a Church then what Ataturk did was also majoritarianism. No?
Now Turkey has converted a building that was a mosque for 485 years before it was illegally converted into a museum back into a mosque. How is this majoritarianism? Just how? Libbus make absolutely no sense. They don’t have an intellectual argument. They just throw labels.
Unlike India where there is a majoritarian movement going on against Muslims, Turkey has been restoring major Churches and Synagogues for past 10 years and no one calls it minority appeasement in Turkey. A similar program in India will see TV channels crying tears of gomutra
Majoritarianism is an immoral and/or illegal act by majority to humiliate minorities. Conversion of a building that was a mosque for past half a millennium back into a mosque is neither immoral nor illegal esp when churches and synagogues are also being restored.
Let’s see if any Libbu has the intellectual capacity to refute the points made in this thread. And you shall see that they are not very bright people (no intelligent person would be a Libbu). They will make false equivalence, monkey balance and throw labels. That’s it.
A building that was a mosque for half a millennium was forcefully and illegally converted into a museum. That was an atrocity. Now one can argue that Sultan Mehmet should have let it remain a Church as there are examples from Islamic history where Muslims didn’t convert Churches
Hagia Sophia was not merely a Church. It was a symbol of power and that’s why the crusaders destroyed and looted this building despite it being a Church. They converted it into a Roman Catholic Church by force and then later again lost the building to Orthodox Christians.
Should Sultan Mehmet have repurposed the building as a mosque is a moral question based on Islam. From the international laws of the time and the right of conquest he had all the rights over all the public buildings that were in the region.
Now let’s say for the sake of argument that Sultan Mehmet was wrong and Muslims should correct that wrong today. Do Libbus also make the same argument about the continents that were conquered and occupied by Europeans? Should European Americans go back to Europe?
Libbus only have a problem with Muslim assertiveness. If a Libbu is non Muslim he will try to make a false equivalence and if the Libbu has a Muslim name he will try to tell you that Muslims need to impress the world by being meek and docile.
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