a while ago i announced on my twitter that i was excited to pitch to a huge company that produces animated shows. let me tell you why "diversity" discourse in animation is actually HURTING ppl behind the scenes that want to pitch future shows that look something like this
the company i pitched too spilt the tea on how they produced a show that was "diverse" (body types, lgbt+, all girls) and instead of releasing a trailer for the show the creators talked about how "diverse" the show was and used it as a selling point. This got immense backlash.
so now that company will look at a show that has any semblance of "diversity" themes (poc, women cast, brighter toned) and not give it a chance bc they believe it wont make them money.

So fuck the creators who use "diversity" as a selling point instead of promoting the STORY
because then a person who wants to pitch a show with an authentic diverse cast (not for the purpose of promoting diversity) gets put on the backburner bc executives will think it'll flop like that other show they funded
the worst part, its the SAME progressive looking white women who are ruining the chances of all the POC out there who have a cartoon idea and the lead just HAPPENS to look like them! (imagine a japanese man getting told his japanese male lead character is "too SJW")
these white women be like "diversity this", "diversity that" , meanwhile "Women in animation" is a SCAM & the white showrunners of these lgbt/progressive shows hire ONLY other white women. and ughhh its just getting me so bad bc i had a genuine story to tell w a world fleshed out
i hate how selfish certain progressive white women showrunners & creators are being by marketing shows as explicitly "diverse" content. they're NOT paving the way bc they arent normalizing the diversity, they're advertising it! meanwhile authentically diverse pitches get fucked
im more disappointed than mad. i guess im mad too in a way bc ppl in the future who have ideas that may look "sjw" from their title/key visual will get pre-judged bc its been executed horribly in the past

gonna keep working on Astur's Rebellion. Animatic & comic coming september
I just woke up to find my thread blew up. Thank you to everyone showing interest I really appreciate it!! My twitter for the show flopped @AstursRebellion but it'd be cool if you guys followed it so you're notified when the animatic and comic of the pilot episode drop.
I can't reveal which company it is. I dont want to burn that bridge since I am allowed to pitch again a month after one of their other shows premiers. I can provide proof to anyone who would like to use this thread on their blog but i ask that you do not share the company name
Oh boy this got to some forums so let me make some things clear
1-I wasnt expecting anything out of this meeting as they told me beforehand they were currently adapting korean webtoons. They were still interested in talking to me despite that fact. I was never salty abt rejection
2-the plan was not to pitch Astur's Rebellion at all before I had more polished materials (the comic and animatic im working on) which was planned to be completed for the OIA Festival. I joined the SPP event and pitched AR earlier than planned bc i had at least finished the bible
3-A lot of you think i was in and out within minutes but this pitch meeting went on for over an hour and about 20 minutes of that was me pitching AR and the rest was about their company policies, and climate, et & I was told to pitch again after another one of their show premiers
4-A lot of you are worried that i ruined my chances or might get blacklisted lmao please dont worry about any of that 😭 that's like the least of my concerns. i also brought up WiA because in the zoom meeting as well as the emails afterwards i was recommended to join these groups
5- i've only been upset with the advertising of diversity and how its been disingenuous and nothing else. not rejection, and no im not holding stories with diverse casts to a higher standard. im also against disproportionate hate/reviews on cartoons bc of the characters' identity
6- I'm trying to steer myself & Astur's Rebellion away from any more of these discussions. So i won't be speaking on this topic further. If i did continue to air out any more issues/create conversations on things that are not relevant to my show that would make me a hypocrite. TY
7- Didnt mention diversity once in my pitch. Didnt even think of the diversity as i was making it. so how people got from my thread that i MYSELF used diversity as an angle and didnt promote the actual story and arcs is beyond me. reading comprehension?? is that what you lack?
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