#Kashmir: [Thread] Militant group 'People's Anti-Fascist Front' (PAFF) released a ‘body-cam’ footage of its recent attack in Keeri, Baramulla in which a policeman and 2 Indian paramilitaries were killed — a few quick observations - [Trigger Warning⚠️]
1) 3 militants are involved in the attack. However, it's not clear, could be more (3-5). The militant who has body-cam (probably smartphone mounted to his body) (A) is the commander. 'A' can be seen giving instructions to other militant(s). 'A' is a Kashmiri, speaks Kashmiri.
2) Well planned attack. The paramilitaries are taken by surprise. The militants are so close to them, but they have no clue. 'A' gestures at another militant (X) who has 2 paramilitaries in his cross hairs, probably tells him he (A) will aim at others, points towards them.
3) The unidentified militant (X) in picture is the striker. X single handedly shoots 2 Indian paramilitaries. gets one in initial burst, and another soon after. It's not indiscriminate firing but aimed shots. X is well trained, probably a Pakistani/Foreigner. "Usman", per police!
4) By the time 'A' (camera-guy) runs towards the 2 paramilitaries, 'X' has already killed one of them. He quickly goes after another one who has changed his location (more gun shots are heard). He gets second paramilitry too, and moves further ahead, after others.
5) 'A' (camera-guy) reaches at the dead body of first paramilitary soldier (1). He picks the rifle of the dead paramilitary, but drops it immediately after realising it is a pellet shotgun used to wound/ blind Kashmiri protesters, of no use to militants.
6) A (camera-guy) then follows X (striker). X has moved further ahead, is still shooting, now at the parked paramilitary bus. More than one militants are shooting at this point (A is not). A starts shooting now, at already dead/ injured paramilitary trooper (2) (shot by X)
7) The rifle of paramilitary soldier 2 is not on him. It has been probably taken by another militant (not X). X (striker) has only one rifle and is still shooting at the bus. A (camera-guy) makes sure the paramilitary soldier 2 is dead. He moves him using his foot multiple times.
8) While A (camera-guy) is checking on the paramilitary soldier '2', more than one militants can he heard shooting and shouting "Allah-u-Akbar". 'A' then says "stop" in Kashmiri, probably signalling the militant(s) that job is done, and it's time to go back.
9) The video is edited, some frames have been removed/ cropped probably to hide identities of attackers. Its audio has been removed on a few occasions, and on few occasions it has been masked under the added music/song, again to hide conversations/ identity.
10) There is no retaliation from Indian paramilitaries. While one of them was killed in initial burst, had no chance to react and was carrying only a pellet shotgun, another trooper had chance to react, but he choked at audacity and stealth of the attack. He never recovered.
11) It's unclear where the policeman (SPO) was killed. He was probably killed in/ near the bus, and was probably unarmed, had no means to retaliate. It is also not clear how many paramilitaries were at the scene. However, judging by no retaliation, probably only 2 of them. How?
12) None of the militants can be identified from the video. The militant 1 is reportedly post-encounter picture of "Pakistani Usman". It's not clear if he is X. You cannot match the pictures by the colour of trousers. In the video, both X and A wear same colour (beige) trousers.
13) If A is the local commander Sajad (Haider). He can be seen wearing beige trousers in the attack video, but different trousers when he was killed in the encounter moments later. So, would he have got time to change clothes if they were engaged reportedly soon after the attack?
14) If all 3 attackers were engaged soon after the attack, would they have got time to share the video with their media guys? (Priorities?) Two of them were killed in initial stages of the encounter on 17 Aug, both looked casual in pictures without combat kit. Not sure why!
15) There were one or more militants who fought on 17 August almost all day, till late night when ops was halted for night. 2 Indian soldiers were killed by that/those militant(s). It was a fierce firefight and I don't know if the fire came from one point or multiple points.
16) On 18 August morning, firefight resumed, by afternoon, the hide-out was blown up and Indian forces finally claimed to have killed the Pakistani militant "Usman" and recovered his body. However, does this body of "Usman" recovered from the site, indicate he was blown up?
17) If "Usman" was not blown up in/ around the hide-out, was killed maybe on August 17 night itself, who was firing at Indian security forces at night/ in morning? If "Usman" was killed on 18 morning/ in day, why aren't any indications that he was blown up in/ near the hide-out?
18) Weapons - Per Indian Army/ local journalists, 2 AK rifles, 3 pistols were recovered from the encounter site.

a. If J&K Police believes 3 militants carried out the attack (Sajad, Anayat and "Usman"), did only two of them have assault rifles in the attack? I don't think so!
b. Was any assault rifle taken by militants in the attack (Very Likely). If yes, what happened to it? Was it recovered? If yes, then shouldn't Indian forces have recovered 4 assault rifles from the encounter site, or at least 3 (assuming one militant did not have a rifle!)
19) So, were there more than 3 militants who took part in the attack? 3 were killed, 2 or more escaped with rifles and the attack footage? When militants were being engaged/ tracked after the attack, their priority would have been to break the cordon/ escape, not use 2G internet!
20) Lastly,

-who was the "Pakistani LeT commander Usman" who was killed in Reban Sopore on July 12, and who was the "Pakistani LeT commander Usman" who was killed in Keeri encounter?

-why were weapons recovered in Kreeri not displayed like it was done a day later in Handwara?
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