Pathological history quiz time!


1/ In ancient Egypt, which of the following was commonly used as a medicine:
B) Over 100 recipes have been recorded. According to Egyptologist Alison Roberts "Set's influence in the beer drunk by the sick person is so great that tormenting demons become confused and are borne away, leaving the person restored to health"
2/ During the bubonic plague (caused by Yersinia pestis), which of the following was used as a treatment during the middle ages?
A) Live chicken treatment for buboes. One version calls for the plucking of the feathers from around the single hole in a chicken’s backside, then placing it on a person’s bubo! Clucking mad! 
3/ According to Ibn Sina (Avicenna), which of the following effected the potency of an animals venom at the time of delivery?
A) Weather! According to Ibn Sina, there were hot and cold poisons and the toxicity also depended on the sex of the animal, its age, and the weather.
4/ A translocation of MAML2 is associated with tumours such as mucoepidermoid carcinomas and hidradenomas. What does MAML stand for?
D) Mastermind-like. Earliest reference I can find is in the early 1990s so who only knows who named it? A supervillain?
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