1. After courting #QAnon- #MAGA for years, now it's a contest to see which GOP officials can denounce it the hardest:

"I don’t know anything about that conspiracy theory," (Pence) told CBS News. "I don’t know anything about QAnon, and I dismiss it out of hand."

2. Kevin McCarthy, GOP House Minority Leader:

#TrustThePlan #QAnon
3. The aforementioned @mtgreenee
4. President Trump, himself, has basically disavowed QAnon.

I was never QAnon, but it's incredible how people who have most benefited from it are now casting it away like a used kleenex.

Sadly, It's the "useful-idiot" treatment. 🤷‍♂️

#TrustThePlan #MAGA #WWG1WGA
5. This GOP clown got on CNN & denounced millions of fellow Republicans:

"Up to maybe about a week ago, there wasn't a reason to denounce it because it DIDN'T NEED THE ATTENTION," Kinzinger said.

#UsedKleenex #TrustThePlan
6. Former GOP White House Press Secretary @AriFleischer called millions of Republican allies "wackadoodles." You know--the people most motivated & energized to get to the polls & put Trump & other GOP across the finish line.

"Big Tent Party" BTFO!
7. Low Energy @JebBush, who could never in a million years sniff such a fanatical group of supporters.
8. Senator @BenSasse didn't miss his chance to charge at Trump like a RINO:

"QAnon is nuts," he said. He aclaims that QAnon will be the reason Republicans lose. But QAnon is part of what's packing arenas.

Methinks thou doth protest too much?🤷‍♂️
9. RE: @BenSasse's allegation that QAnon will be the reason the GOP loses the Senate:

"4 congressional candidates who have openly touted the QAnon conspiracy theory have each racked up hundreds of thousands of followers on Twitter."

Maybe Senator Sasse is just a bit jealous? 🤔
10. How about this gem from Colorado Congressional Candidate @laurenboebert (who I follow & support)?

She believes some of the theories of QAnon, & seems to have traded off that cred in her campaign. But now? Well, she's no sympathizer!

Hahaha. Already the politician, are we?😉
11. I'm sure there have been some people I missed, I didn't do an exhaustive search, so no need to attack me for leaving anyone out. I'm also sure there will be many more GOP denouncing QAnon in the coming days, which the MSM will gleefully boost in its usual Mockingbird unison.
12. Here's my position on QAnon, for anyone who hasn't followed me long enough to know, or is unsure (Also, my own interpretation of QAnon isn't meant as a *personal* denigration or affront to those who believe/embrace it unironically. I respect you all; we share common ground):
13. I have never believed in QAnon, have never been a follower, have never thought it is what it purports to be. I haven't gotten caught up in the "drops" & interpretations, etc. At first, I thought it a LARP--perhaps perpetrated by pranksters & deviants. But, as it gained steam,
14. I came to view it as a "psyop." Please allow me to explain why.

First, in my (limited) experience w/social media--nothing gets such reach, growth & lasting power w/o *serious* money & muscle behind it. Sometimes, I call this "wind-aided."

Now, if QAnon is really what it
15. purports to be, then that makes *some* sense--it's got actual muscle behind it. But it doesn't make *complete* sense b/c the #BigTechTyranny SM platforms pretty much decide what gets lift & staying power, & what doesn't.

That QAnon got so big & pervasive while being
16. diametrically opposed to the values of #BigTechTyranny didn't pass my smell test. We've seen how massively successful, truly organic memes have been erased practically overnight by them: the "NPC" theme, the "Learn to Code" theme, the "OK Gr00m3r" tag, etc, & many more. They
17. tend to squash what's effective & uncontrolled. Remember, we have to "color between the lines," so to speak. For example, this is largely how Twitter works--it decides what trends & what doesn't; what's "street legal" for discussion; etc. It has its own "Overton Window."
18. The other SM platforms have their own versions of #BlueChecks & their own "Overton Windows."

QAnon grew & thrived for years. It went GLOBAL. I doubt this happened w/o blessing. Then, in July, the hammer came crashing down. I spoke of it at the time 👇 https://twitter.com/SamParkerSenate/status/1287240635913605121
19. But what can be given can be taken. I know my own account was affected. The networks my tweets surfed on were dismantled & destroyed. THE VERY DAY the QAnon crackdown happened, I noticed significant throttling of my account. It hasn't been the same. https://twitter.com/SamParkerSenate/status/1285756825464238080
20. IOW, Twitter allowed QAnon to get huge. It might have even helped it beyond simply permitting it. In close succession, other platforms also acted. For example, Reddit finally banned r/TheDonald, a bastion of the movement that used to get hundreds of thousands of visitors/day.
21. So we see these platforms allowed QAnon to thrive & get huge. Then we saw them swiftly act in unison to cut it off at the knees. Now we see that their Mockingbird accomplices in the MSM have gotten in on the action. Finally, politicians & other influencers are piling on. It
22. feels coordinated. As the saying goes, "Nothing in politics happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." I don't think the coordination between #BigTechTyranny, the Mockingbird Media & Politicians is coincidental. We've simply seen too much
23. collusion & coordination between them all in the past to believe that anymore. Call me jaded, call me cynical, but this is definitely a calculated & coordinated attack on QAnon.

The question is Why? & Why now? I have some theories, but I'd also like to hear y'all's opinions.
24. Before giving you my answer, I have to explain 1 more thing. The other reason I felt that QAnon is a psyop is b/c of the "Trust the Plan" rhetoric, along w/the "secret sealed indictments." Also, the ENDLESS teases about something that is "coming," but NEVER seems to get here.
25. QAnon seemed to be a clever ruse to "run out the clock," to get patriots to become complacent that "something is being done." To not PUSH BACK on the Trump admin or bureaucrats b/c "they were handling it." Basically, QAnon looked a lot like a massive pressure release valve.
26. To sell it, they had to give it credibility, some truth. A real foundation of sorts. If it had been pure, 100%, unadulterated bullsh*t, the public may not have embraced it. The best lies always mix in real truths. So I don't think everything about QAnon is false. In effect,
27. though, QAnon was turned into a legion of "controlled opposition" to the Deep State. You all know about controlled opposition & what that means. I don't need to explain it. They took the most red-blooded, patriotic Americans & secretly deputized it as their phony opposition.
28. But here's what I think happened: "it escaped containment." You all burst the chains of control. The movement was populated by so many rabid & talented American patriots that you rose to the top. You were a deep state artificial creation, but you achieved sentience & took on
29. a life of your own. You started digging, connecting & sharing. You uncovered things you weren't supposed to. You were cutting too close to hidden truths, ideas & concepts. People actually *were* waking up. You were organizing, becoming EFFECTIVE. Candidates started WINNING.
30. Your Deep State handlers created a monster they couldn't control. You escaped: The Dinosaurs of Jurassic Park. The Rats of NIMH. The engineered coronavirus escaped from the lab. Skynet. The golem come-to-life. Etc.

Pick your favorite metaphor.

And what do handlers do w/the
31. experiment that gets out of control? With the monster that escapes?

As most of you know, they usually take off & nuke the entire site from orbit. 😬
32. So that's it. That's what I think happened. QAnon was a controlled opposition psyop that escaped containment. You got too big. You started to do things you weren't supposed to: like run candidates & get them elected.


So, they pulled the plug. They burned you.
33. You're the patsy left holding the bag. The music stopped & everyone is scrambling for a chair.

Now, I don't think everyone who denounces QAnon from here on out is "in on it." Savvy people recognize shifting winds & adjust their sails accordingly. But I certainly think *some*
34. of these slime balls are in on the gag. I'll leave that to you to speculate on who is who.

Again, this is NOT meant as a personal attack on anyone. I think QAnon followers are (mostly) wonderful people & patriots. I just disagree w/the foundational belief of the movement.
35. As more info rolls in, I may change my opinions, but that's where I'm at now.

What do you think? Why the sudden, coordinated disavowing & deep-sixing of the movement?

Am I completely wrong? Crazy in the head? A total idiot? What's your interpretation of the facts before us?
36. Is there a more conventional explanation? Is it really just what it seems--some dumb Republicans looking a gift horse in the mouth & attacking their own, like they often do? Nothing more?

Or--maybe there's much more & I'm only scratching the surface?

Sound off.
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