Complete revisionism here from EVS. He didn’t just “vote for Trump”, he voted for Trump and then aggressively mocked and harassed people concerned about Trump relentlessly, in very red flag terms, implying an impending culture war etc. He jumped on the “us vs them” bandwagon
The “us” in that case being Trump supporting right wingers (that included honest to god Nazis and White Supremacists) and the “them” basically being liberals, non-Trump voting conservatives, LGBTQ+, POC etc etc etc.
He also had repeatedly said very dodgy things including mocking suicide and suggesting a fan kill themselves. “As a joke”. DC reprimanded him for that behaviour, and it led to DC’s stricter rules on online behaviour for their staff and freelancers. Which EVS continued to ignore
As he continued to fall deeper & deeper into the rabbit hole of far right online trolldom that encircled the Trump camp

Voting Trump wasn’t what caused him to be fired and called Nazi/racist etc. Voting Trump was just another sign of concerns people had about him for a long time
After all, his online behaviour had been offensively trollish for years. His constant use of Nazi imagery in his work was noted LONG before the election (such as naming an art book made for a con after Hitler’s book)

Numerous colleagues had voiced concern over his behaviour
Eventually, his continued troubling and bullying behaviour online led to creators at DC letting editorial know that they would not work with him, due to how offensive he was as a person and fears that association would tarnish their own image.
EVS got fired, called Nazi and White Supremacist, not because he voted Trump - these things happened to him due to consistent and continued actions of his that took place over YEARS

The comics industry isn’t “anti-conservative”, there’s plenty of conservatives in comics
However, the comics industry is against someone who sides with a group that hosts and associates with Nazis, white supremacists and more

And if he’s upset that the industry and fans feel that way, perhaps he should examine his own actions instead of blaming someone else
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