Light from the 27 constellations also known as Nakshatras, which are 300 to 400 light years away from earth but influence us greatly. Nakshatra are stars but also called constellations of Moon spread out in the 12 signs of the Zodiac.. नक्षत्र - Sky area

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Study of Jyotish without knowing Nakshatras is like focusing on the external. A benefic planet placed in Kendra or Trine may still give not so good results or may even give bad results. Synergy btw planet & Star is key & shd be used for the analysis.

Each 27 Nakshatras consists of 13º and 20m, multiplying this length by 27 equals the entire sky map of 360 deg.
Nakshatras have basic attributes & are divided into following fundamental category:


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if Pt placed in a Nak have energy alignment with it's karaka then impact will be multifold & vice versa. e.g. if 9H Pt & Nak both are karaka of Dharma then expect individual having deep interest in the area similarly
read for Artha, Kama & Moksha

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