I'm not good at storytelling but here's a story of how i fell in love with printed cotton shawls & why i jual printed cotton shawls 💘

(A thread)
It all started when i was shopping with my friends last year. We went to padini/BO (i don't remember) & one of them ajak i beli printed shawl. The shawls are super murah and the quality memang nice terox!
At first i tak nak beli sebab i rasa macam tak sesuai nak pakai printed shawl. BUT my friend tak putus asa pujuk i untuk beli the shawl.

At lastttt, i pun beli la shawl tu. 1 printed and 1 plain, both cotton😚
Fast forward to this one time where i malas gila nak iron tudung for tomorrow's class, i decide untuk try printed shawl yg i beli tu.

That night macam2 tutorial i try sebab nak make sure esok i takyah lama2 bersiap depan cermin
The next day, I thought I'm going to have a bad hijab day but surprisingly i feel comfortable wearing the printed cotton shawl. Dah la ironless & the shawl is SUPER easy to shape too! Plus, tak panas okiii!

That's when i know i'm in love with printed cotton shawl😻
Waittt that's not the only reason im in love with printed cotton shawl

I'm in love sebab the designs buat i rasa hidup i cam lebih colourful & happy!! I can say that 90% of my outfit plain je but with a hint of printed cotton shawl, voila! My ootd looks uhmazing💯💯
Since the shawl able to make my life happier, make me feels cuteee and gives amazing outcome in my ootd & it really makes me feel more confident.. i can confirm that i am in LOVE with printed cotton shawl!! To you who read this, you shoulddd try to love printed cotton shawl too😍
I know some of you guys might feel insecure nak pakai printed shawl. But seriously, you shouldn't.

To those yg baru nak try printed cotton shawl, i suggest you try corak yg simple dulu, like yg ada bunga kecik2. Trust me, wearing it will make you feel good & cute!!😻
Oki fast forward to last month where i tetiba rasa nak jual printed cotton shawl. I was actually looking for something to do during sem break je & i want to do something that will give me benefits.

So tercipta la igshop @/tersashawl 💞
I jual sebab i nak semua orang tau yang printed cotton shawl ni best sangat!! It definitely can be your go-to shawl, especially bila you tengah rushing nak pergi somewhere ;)

With minimal ironing needed, lightweight material, easy to shape, what more could you ask for?😻
Hello this thread belum habis okies, sabar jap.

Honestly, i thought i won't get involved with this business for so long BUT day by day i rasa macam makin minat nak buat business.
It's not all about the side income, idk i rasa cam happy gila time berbisnes. Lagi lagi masa first time dapat customer tu! OMGGG I WAS SO HAPPY & EXCITED AT THAT TIME!! Rasa macam i manusia paling bahagia dalam dunia ni😆😆
& of course, there's ups and downs when it comes to business. But what keep me going is myself, my parents and everyone around me.

I'm very thankful that i'm able to bagi duit raya to some people using duit hasil bisnes i. It ain't much but hey, it makes both parties happy-
and that's what matters most. Oh and i even belanja my parents too with my duit bisnes! The feeling is UNDESCRIBABLE. I really hope that one day i can give more to others. I always love the idea of helping other people💞

That's how i know i shouldn't give up with my business✊
To all sellers out there, don't give up oki? It's okay to feel sad sometimes but please, don't dwell for too long. Take a rest & come back stronger💪

Keep going, be consistent in whatever you do. Trust me, there are lot of blessings ahead of you!✨
I doakan semua seller and anyone yang baca this thread dimurahkan rezeki sentiasa & dipermudahkan semua urusan :) good luck in everything you do!!💛

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