Thread time >> Unfortunately it looks like the Save the Children movement is being infiltrated and co-opted as movements always are by the Deep State.

As we've been warned, all assets activated. Let's make Twitter regret giving me my account back. >>>
My research into this today starts with this video from @KarluskaP apparently of a Save the Children rally in Chicago a couple days ago. Now I'm always down for a peaceful, well done Q or Trafficking Awareness support rally, but doesn't this one look odd?
I've been to many events w/ hundreds of Q patriots each. Safe to say they probably wouldn't be wearing masks, there'd be more American flags and Q swag, and they'd know that it's weird to put "Abolish ICE" and "Defund the Police" on their signs.
I proceeded to dig on Twitter a little more and noticed a few things.

I found that there are actually many STC rallies planned around the country for tomorrow.

And I also found what looked to be quite a few bots promoting the STC tags and rallies.
Accounts created June or July 2020. "Not followed by anyone you're following". A very detailed list of all these cities. How did this "grassroots" campaign get organized so fast? And I'm not saying no one heard about it, but myself and many I speak to hadn't. Bizarre.
I even noticed one account use the same "100citymarch" hashtag, but this one was in 2013. And check it, it was for BLM propaganda.

Same people who handled w/ BLM now applying those social engineering techniques to infiltrate/attack the Q and truth movement through STC?
It began to appear to me that maybe this was being done for an agenda
And that maybe we should watch out tomorrow.

The MSM has been trying hard to paint Q followers are dangerous extremists.

It's right before thee RNC and Trump's nomination.

Primetime. See something, say something.
NBC brings up names of supposed activists working to organize these rallies, and @mikebravodude does a good job of digging on them. Who the heck is Shauna Blen?
Another name is brought up in the NBC piece, Scotty the Kid.

You might remember that Save the Children rally in Hollywood a few weeks back? Apparently this is a/the main organizer of that, and many of these 100city rallies.

Let's go full anon on this fella.
Bravo began the investigation on him through Twitter, finding absolutely no previous posts about Q or WWG1WGA related material.

Lots of sexual stuff, though. Some straight porn. Amazing what Twitter doesn't ban vs. what they do, huh?
He deleted his Twitter not too long ago.
After Bravo brought up these deets I searched the guy a bit more. On his IG I found that he used to be an aspiring hollywood rapper/DJ and not too many years ago posted pictures of himself with Miley Cyrus and Bill Nye. Okay.
His IG really had no kind of conspiratorial or awakening type content until about June, two and a half months ago. He memed himself with a conspiracy theory quote and hashtagged Q. Lol, so hollywood.
And it was only after that was there "woke" content. Not really much about Q or anything else though, just alottt of promo for his Hollywood rally and then these 100city rallies.
Then finding his Facebook artist, this is where things get weird. Same sort of thing, a profile for his music/LA life and not much woke stuff until just a bit ago.
And you know, I don't know the guy. Anyone can go through an transition phase where they break down old belief systems and change their mind. It's what we all can and should do.

But then I went back further and found...

... the pizza posts.
A lot of posts about pizza.
Weird posts about pizza.
I get we all have quirks and some of us like food quite a bit... but I'm not crazy in thinking this is odd, right? The baby? The gloryhole? The pizza van?

Here's a couple other weird photos. He memed himself over Cosby and even has a pizza tattoo.

Also found some posts calling Trump a Nazis and pedophile, and he was very happy to be blocked on Twitter by Trump, apparently.

Is this guy pro-Q?
A little more digging also brought up a music profile of his on a site called Gig Town.

Check out that review. Haha wut?

I really hope this guy is just a weird one with some basic human problems and not into more deep dark shit..
Anyway, to bring it back full circle, keeping our children safe and secure in an absolute priority, but when it comes to feel good phrases and ideas, we know the Cabal loves to pull our heart strings and invade our critical thinking with them.
It looks like they're doing to the "Save the Children" phrase what they did to "Black Lives Matter" term - propagandize the hell out of it.

And, I sure hope nothing bad happens at any of these rallies and they try to paint it as being a Q crazy. I know you can see the clockwork
We need to be hyper vigilant right now towards those looking to infiltrate the movements of truth for their self serving motives. The bad guys have a LOT to lose right now, and it's do or die for them, but whatever they try, we shall expose.

Dark to LIGHT

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