So I decided to read this entire thread, and the overall message that I got was that Minors including myself shouldn't be allowed to freely sexualize other minors and express those thoughts, all because people are going to get uncomfortable.
Look if something makes uncomfortable just in general from whomever just block and mute them and move on.

It is ok for minors to freely talk about sexual things revolving other minors. Hell I'm a minor who does it from time to time, because its normal.
If someone gets uncomfortable from what I say they can block, and I'll completely understand. That shouldn't stop me from expressing myself.

Minors can't just bottle up and repress all their sexual thoughts and urges. I did that I fucking hated myself for that.
We have to be able to freely express our thoughts, it can't just stay in ourselves forever.

Also on one final note, you said that "it promotes pedophilic tendencies", and just wanna ask how???.

How is me for instance, lusting over another 17 year old pedophilic?
There is literally nothing pedophilic about that. A minot liking another minor and saying something sexual about it isn't pedophilic.

Anyways thats about it see ya
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