I don’t know who else needs to hear this but it is no way easier to be a woman in gaming than a man in gaming. And yes, this also includes women who use their looks as part of their platform. (A thread)
“It’s easier to be a woman in gaming bc some men will always follow you for attention.” If it’s so easy why isn’t my twitch stream massive?? Oh wait, I know! it’s because I haven’t put in enough work, for enough time.

Now you may counter with “it’s because you’re not hot” so..
Let me tell you being hot doesn’t do much for you as a woman in games. The “hot” women you know in games are only known because they’ve worked their ass off and happen to be. There are plenty of bad bitches getting 2 views.

& yes I know hotness can play a role in host jobs but
Even in those roles hotness isn’t the end all be all. It’s unfortunate that there are still many ppl in positions of power who prefer “hot” women host and that audiences will also constantly demand hot women despite the fact that the man next to her looking average AF.
Now there’s the other case: the woman who uses her looks as part of her platform. You can even go to the “extremes” and use titty streamers as an example. Guess what. Those women also work their ass off. And can you IMAGINE the kind of hate they get?
Lastly, some folks think being a woman is easier because there are less of us here (affirmative action argument). BITCH, the reason there are less of us here is because a huge portion of the industry and its fans hate us to varying degrees.
ALSO Hotness is very subjective. We def have conventional beauty standards and games often sees good looking thin white women as the pinnacle of beauty. But at the end of the day some of y’all will think we are ugly, hot, or old and decide our content is bad as a result.
I’m content and at peace with my looks overall. I don’t wear makeup on camera 99% of the time so I don’t look as good as I could (don’t @ me with natural is better pls). But 99% of the time my male coworkers don’t have makeup on so why should I?
IN CONCLUSION, if you think women have it easier than men in gaming you’re not paying attention and have given into a misogynistic narrative that says “pretty girls just get things and they use their beauty to make men suffer... I wish she was mine.” So fuck that & fuck you. 💖
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