I am truly at a loss for words over this tacky, macabre, opportunistic necroactivism that exploits the trauma and violence experienced by Black women under cover of advocacy. We are not safe from violation even in death. https://twitter.com/connichameleon2/status/1296979860909436928
There is an ethics of care that ought to inform any advocacy work that we are engaged in. This is especially true (because it’s easy to forget) when we are organizing around issues that generate a lot of headlines and publicity. Breonna Taylor is not a commodity.
These spectacular acts of violence should never be turned into spectacle. There is a real human life—not a symbol—at the center of all of this. At the center of every single one of these police killings is a human being—and a web of living human beings who loved them.
If #BlackLivesMatter
means anything beyond a slogan scrawled on t-shirts, it has to also mean that we don’t also don’t exploit the dead. We don’t commodify their memory, even for an ostensibly good cause.

Black victims of state murder deserve better.