😂I just wanna say I feel pretty bad for the Republican politicians in DC and the few Dems that crossed over to corruption and gave the rest of the decent good men and women of the Democratic Party a bad name. There is full blown panic in D.C right now.

Lemme put it to you like this: back in January everyone tried to explain to maga's that this impeachment was a way out for these traitors to dump 45 by Pelosi who's the 3rd in line to the presidency, since Pence also lied to the FBI, and they refused.

WHY? Now the courts have rejected Trump’s latest appeal to keep his taxes hidden. Remind you the Supreme Court has already ruled he must turn them over to the Manhattan federal court😉. He’s fighting a subpoena yet again & some of you argue that the Dems are criminals???
Trump is a fraud and his voters unfortunately will be disappointed when they find out they’ve been lied to and severely manipulated via weapons grade propaganda via Fox News and Facebook. Gah...Bless their hearts! Especially my southern and swing state voters.

Some of y’all still believe the stuff they manipulated you with. Listen I get it. But here’s a final warning for you to please wake up & vote Trump out. Look i forgive you for voting for trump in 2016 & Bernie cause those votes also hurt Hillary Clinton.

But you get no pass in 2020 especially after all this criminal activity from the WH is coming out. Trump has always been in the MOB. He’s owned by Russian wholly!! It’s basically out in the open now. Hillary Clinton stood on that debate stage and warned us!

Hillary Clinton stood on that debate stage to warn us that she was the last thing between us & an apocalypse. Where are we right now? Vote Biden/Harris! This is not a drill. Stop acting like you don’t see it because of your pride.

If you knew your Bible you’d know exactly what God says about pride. Of ANY form! Has Trump condemned Putin for the Russian bounties on American soldiers that actually killed service members? Has he said anything about the journalist that Putin had poisoned a few days ago?
Why is everyone around Donald Trump going to prison? Why did he lie to Robert Mueller? Why did his last campaign manager just get indicted and arrested two days ago? Why are evangelicals supporting him still even after he clearly doesn’t represent anything about Christ?
But he for certain has the mark of the anti-Christ! He’s blasphemed multiple occasions which, according to the Bible, is unpardonable. Yet republicans and evangelicals still support him? Why? All the slander they said about Biden during impeachment have turned out to be lies.
The Tara Reade story is gone... why? She’s actually in trouble now by the way for perjury. Why did they spew Russian propaganda on our Congress floors again? Why did that they take russian money via the nra? Why have they YET to pass any gun legislation?

#MoscowMitch #NRA
Lemme put it to you like this...Obama said a few days ago that this election “we either VOTE or LOSE DEMOCRACY.” That’s not an opinion that’s a fact which is why I’ve reiterated over and over that 2018 we saved our democracy from heading into a full blown banana republic.
The republicans were just covering everything up about the 2016 election interference. Sham hearings & grandstanding. Oh they were so confident too! Always had more money than the Dems but little did we know they were taking russian money the entire time via the RNC from the NRA!
Truth be told the RNC been the Mafia State a long time and they know the gig is up. They are scared out of their minds. Their assistants know it. Their family members are starting to turn on them. Kids are waking up to the truth.
They will die in prison and they know it too! People like John McCain would be disgusted with this party and more than likely would've voted for Biden in a few months. I'm confident of that! Why did they work hard to cover stuff up again while looking the other way?

It’s All because they hated the black man Obama so much for how he changed this country in a great way by keeping us from a Great Depression from the bush era when the housing market crashed and the economy was tanking. Almost like now huh? Funny how that works.
The republicans tank the economy on purpose when they know they’re gonna lose power as to leave the Dems with the scraps to build which, typically takes 4 to rebuild and then 4 to grow and they know that. They have betrayed America for the last time in 2016, their official death!
Then they start their buying attack ads with their overflow of dirty Russian money to spread propaganda which sadly their supporters believe every single word! Truth be told it’s this very Republican Party that doesn’t know how to govern or run a country’s economy

It hasn’t been the Party of Lincoln for decades now. Just Look at Reagonics...🤦🏾‍♂️God rest his poor soul. Aye Nancy laying on his casket still hits me in my core i can’t even lie. Eyeballs started sweating a little. She loved that man dearly yes she did!
But back on task it’s time to WAKE THE HELL UP! Don’t try and force nobody to do what they know is right anymore. Just work on the people who want to learn for THEY can truly learn something and be better for it. -TG♥️--

#BidenHarris2020 #vote #register #DumpTrump
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