I've been thinking about things that make me feel inadequate as an Autistic person. One thing is the lack of evidence I have to show for the internal labor I commit to surviving. (1)
As a hidden disability, the most difficult aspects of the Autistic experience are intangible.
Executive Function takes a lot of effort but you can't see the extra cognitive energy we have to generate as Autistic people to be able to plan, problem solve, organize or time manage.
The issue here is that in a capitalist society labour has to be quantified to be taken as evidence & to be quantified your labour has to be tangible. Without such evidence it's easy for Autistic ppl to become stereotyped as lazy.
I struggle as an Autistic person with being perceived as lazy in a society that views time as a finite resource to be spent wisely. I fear it'll cause people to divest their attention from me and add another barrier to me forming meaningful relationships
Perhaps the solution to all this is to interrogate why I perceive laziness as a bad thing, to rebel against the norm of measuring productivity and alter my temporal consciousness from 'time is money' to 'time is on my side.' Maybe then I'll feel less inadequate.
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