Reform & Alliance were offshoots of a Social Credit past in Alberta. Subsuming the federal PC party in 2003. Peter MacKay selling out to libertarian influence & a desire to transform the cultural milieu of the nation, along with Dominionist Christian Party leader, Stephen Harper.
Layton, lured by aspirations of power, made a Faustian bargain in 2005 with Harper to jointly remove Liberals from federal politics to enable competing for Canadian public’s votes. Socialism vs far right libertarianism. Limiting humanism & moderation from Canadian politics.
And 15 years later Canadian democracy hangs by a thread.

Is Donolo that blind or a willing disinformation propagandist? It’s no secret both Chrétien and Martin were blue liberals. Trudeau has taken a sharp turn to the left since becoming Liberal leader.
I believe the answer lies in the response of the Chrétien Liberal government when two major threats to Canadian unity and sovereignty emerged in 1990’s Canadian politics. Quebec secession and western Canadian far right extremism.
Chrétien pulled out all stops to keep Quebec in confederation.

He completely ignored the growing threat emanating from the radical extreme zealotry of Dominionist Christian rebranded Social Credit embodied in the Reform Party and subsequent Canadian Reform Alliance Party.
And here we are today, reading one of his top advisors nonsense about Canadian exceptionalism and making the case for the conservatives to overthrow the current iteration of Liberals since we are completely safe from Trumpism.
Alberta & Ontario brought Far Right Extremism to Canada. Through the oil and fossil fuel industry.

Who do you think invested in Alberta and Ontario oil in late 19th century Canada?

Standard Oil.

The epitome of laissez faire economics, classism, monopolies & evangelicalism.
What is Trumpism and MAGA but a strong desire to return to the evangelical, economic hierarchies of the autocratic Gilded Age and John Rockefeller? Robber barons and Laissez Faire Free Markets. An absent middle class.

Which a blue Liberal could support, for the right price.
Infuriating and an illuminating history of this nation and the infiltration of the Liberal Party by free market “liberals” who sold out Canada to foreign paleolibertarian interests, for their own piece of the pie.
Harper, Martin, Chrétien and Mulroney did more to destroy the liberalist social democracy designed by Lester Pierson and Pierre Trudeau than any foreign influence.
We don’t need to fear Trumpism. We need to fear and obstruct those Canadians who would return us to a stratified religiously influenced, austere existence.

Trumpism is not new. Fascism is the former term used in the 1920’s and 1930’s.

Mussolini fascism, or CORPORATISM.

We all need to learn from Alberta’s history & Ontario’s and wise up to these silver tongued propagandists asking us to forget what our forbearers endured.
We need to reject the gaslighting of false narrators telling us everything is going to be okay. The only way Canada survives the global surge in autocrats is to reject any notion of exceptionalism, and realize Canada IS a major player on the world stage.
We are a crucial part of G7. Pretty much the deciding vote on progressive vs regressive global policy at the moment.

We contain 20% of the world’s fresh water, we have the largest fertile & arable land base globally.
Strategically based between Europe and Asia for trade.

A highly educated and prosperous population.

And natural resources like lumber, diamonds, minerals, fossil fuels and green energy sources (water, sun, wind) coming out the ying yang.
Canada is the wealthiest country on earth in resources going into climate change & the most desired jewel of every foreign adversaries crown.

We must start acting like good stewards and stop listening to silver tongues flagellating our egos.

#ChooseForward #IStandWithTrudeau
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