For @object_reality

Here's how you GOAD fakers into dropping the mask.

I do it all the time.

Just like @realDonaldTrump does.

His first comment:
My response:
His angry response:
The reason I KNEW he's a faker is his user name:

"Objective Reality."

Only a person with a need to dominate others by imposing his views on them would call himself that.

He's the portal to objective reality! The key master! the only possible way to get there!

Disagreeing with OPINIONS is the hallmark of REALLY mediocre minds.

Unlike this guy, I didn't base my conclusion that Trump is a polyglot based on two videos.

At the time, his military school was one of the few in the country that offered Russian-language courses.

They were mandatory.

Also, I appear to be the outsider to trace Trump's dealings with the Saudi royal family back to 1980 AT THE LATEST.
Of course he would never do that with people as strategically important to the Saudis, so the answer was to learn to speak Arabic.

He had years to do it, and he'd already studied Russian.

He's met alone with Putin at least twice.

Putin's English is not that great.

There's absolutely no way that leaders who have trouble speaking English would agree to speak it with Trump.

The only answer to all this is that Trump is a polyglot LIKE THE REST OF HIS FAMILY.

Occam's Razor.
"Choose the answer that requires the least number of assumptions."

Trump is a polyglot = ONE assumption.

World leaders have no need to reveal Trump's ability.

By using interpreters in public, they maintain distance and a position of equality.
If Trump publicly spoke to them in their own language, it would almost certainly be construe as a power play.

"Look! I learned this savage's silly, primitive language! See how easy it is?"

Finally, Trump is letting them in on a secret.

This is significant.
Now, what about the need to tell someone you disagree with an OPINION?

I see and hear a million opinions a day that I don't challenge.

That's because the DESIRE to challenge an opinion is a sign that you want to change that person to be more like YOU.
SOME people ASK for opposing opinions.

Dr. Todd Grande @grande_dr always ends his videos with a request that viewpoints be posted.

I disagree with him on his self-admitted guesses about Trump, but a YouTube video.

As the doc says, it's not an evaluation.
AND what kind of trouble could he cause for himself by saying ANYTHING that could be even REMOTELY construed as "pro-Trump"?

He doesn't need that.

I don't challenge opinions unless someone COMES HERE TO TELL ME THAT THEY DON'T AGREE WITH ME.
Why are we supposed to "welcome a polite challenge to our views"?


It's a way of telling you to SHUT UP and never express opinions.
I've endured that for twelve straight years now, in the field of military studies.

I stopped going to a particular Website because NO MATTER WHAT I SAID, the owner "politely challenged" me.

He was just being a DICK, and he turned out to be WRONG.
In World War One, the German flamethrower regiment was personally awarded the death's head sleeve badge by the kaiser on July 28, 1916.

They wore it on the center of the cuff of the field-jacket sleeve.
I started finding images of men who wore the badge ABOVE the cuff, right below the elbow.
The guy who created the first German assault battalion was named Willy Rohr, a dashing young captain.

The commander of the flamethrower regiment was named Bernhard Reddemann, a dumpy, middle-aged former fire chief.
Rohr was a former student of Reddemann.

He STOLE Reddemann's ideas and claimed that HE originated them.

He was also assigned flamethrower troops who were taken from the regiment and became official members of the assault battalion.
All other flamethrower troops were DETACHED from the regiment and TEMPORARILY ASSIGNED to assault units.

And to top it off, the men from Rohr's unit were then rotated BACK into the regiment and became members again.

Reddemann got no credit for Rohr's flame-battle victories.
This despite the fact that Rohr's flamethrower troops were fully trained by REDDEMANN and received ZERO training from Rohr.

So I theorized that the badge worn below the elbow was worn by ROHR'S flamethrower troops, because the award went to the REGIMENT, not the battalion.
I figured that Rohr demanded the badge, Reddemann protested, and the kaiser compromised by letting Rohr's flamethrower troops wear the badge in a different position.


"But how do you know? Do you have any evidence? Where's the documentation?"

An opinion.

"But you can't just go around making statements like that! I disagree! I disagree! I disagree! It's probably just men sewing on the badge wherever they want on the sleeve!"

This DICK demanded that I agree with HIS opinion.
I started finding images of men CHANGING their badges to the regulation position.

I theorized that this was after they were sent back to the flamethrower regiment and became official members.
The regulation position photos were ALWAYS taken at a later date.

AGAIN, my opinion was "politely" and relentlessly challenged.


At the time neither of us could PROVE anything, so arguing about is was pointless.
FINALLY I found a photo of the assault battalion undertaking a large exercise, and EVERY SINGLE MAN wore his badge below his elbow.

THEN I found a photo of a guy wearing the flamethrower badge AND the assault battalion badge ON THE SAME SLEEVE.
The dick didn't even respond.

His goal was to FORCE ME TO SHUT UP.

When I proved him wrong, he simply moved on the next way he could try to dominate people.

You are under NO OBLIGATION to defend opinions.

You're not giving a deposition, for God's sake.

When somebody claims that all people of "rational intellectual integrity" welcome challenges to EVERY SINGLE THING THEY SAY, tell them to cram it.

The fact that the guy got pissed is proof that I was right about him.
Another totalitarian roaming Twitter, looking for double-plus ungood thinking to stamp out.

Opinions aren't statements of fact.

Unless you ASK for opposing views, you don't have to accept "polite challenges."

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