starlight glimmer spent her whole life thinking if she was too different from people they wouldnt want to be her friend and she became so afraid of being alone she started a whole town of ppl who are all the same bc to her this was the only way people could love you and no one
NO ONE told her she didnt have to until like??? like YEARS later like imagine living ur whole life like that and like 💆‍♀️ ok hut then the writers are like haha ‘communism joke’ haha ‘ruthless dictator joke’ like ok 💆‍♀️👁 do you understand SHE JSUT DIDNT WANT TO BE ALONE
is what she did justifiable i mean it couldve been if the writers stuck to her having good intentions like she DID but no they went the ‘brainwashing’ route wihich was NOT? the original intention Anyway so her redempion was still really good a) and b) best pony
and like she STILL struggled with being too different and ppl are lle ‘no she just has leadership issues’ like ok tru but thats not the . the BASE of the roboem its the social anxiety that comes with Well i used to thinki was too different and now i feel like im just a terrible
person and no one will want to be my friend anyway Which is why i think having the relationship with trixie is the bese thing they couldve done ever and that duo needs more screentime End thread
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