Look I’ll be the first to admit I definitely let my emotions run hot yesterday. While I stand by most of what I’ve said I do want to make it clear that I do think what @FortressMelb is trying to become in the scene is a good thing. 1/4
Offering jobs, opportunities and a space for gamers to further grow esports in our region. It’s unfair and hypocritical of me to call them divisive when simply stating that is divisive in itself and for that I apologize. 2/4
While this tournament has had its fair share of mistakes, mismanagement and poor PR decisions, the current climate in which they are attempting their first big tournament is unprecedented. 3/4
I do hope this situation can lead to growth and is treated as an opportunity to learn from mistakes. To the wider community it may not be perfect yet but give them time to become what we need them to be for the scene.
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