THREAD: The debate on schools is mainly about whether and on what schedule they should open. But there needs to be discussion about what's happening IN schools. I'm not a mental health professional but this looks like a very depressing, isolating experience. Eat outside instead?
All images are of Thrall Elementary, in TX. This looks abysmal. This is a highly abnormal, and I'd argue damaging, environment for a child. Young children are at ~0 risk from C19. Teachers are at no greater risk than other professionals. (Vulnerable ones can stay home) /2
1 million children in Sweden attended school, without masks, without specific distancing metrics, and there was not a mass of outbreaks. /3
As I've written about, "6 feet" was not handed to Moses on a stone tablet. WHO and AAP recco 3 feet.
Many experts are suggesting that ventilation is more important than distancing
Hybrid schedules, resulting from adherence to 6 foot distancing, may lead to more viral spread. Better to let ALL kids attend school and keep them in cohorts
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