Every major dating app calculates an ELO score for every user. Your ELO is effectively a measure of your entire ability to be successful in the sexual market. The mythical Chinese “social credit score”, but very much real and in use today.
Why do apps do this? It’s because all previous attempts at online dating failed for being too complicated. Women really do not care about other factors if your attractiveness is below their threshold. As data has shown, most women’s thresholds exclude anywhere from 80-95% of men.
No clever lines in your bio are going to make you a 6’2 white guy with a nice jawline.
“But Thot Audit, you can’t reduce a human being to a single number!” Maybe not, but you can surely create a useful heuristic for someone’s attractiveness with a single number.
With this metric, apps are able to show women only those that they are more likely to swipe on. Your 0.5% match rate? That’s with women the algorithm thought you could be a looksmatch for.
It never even began with someone who has a significantly higher ELO. You weren’t even worth showing to them.
These algorithms that optimize for increased engagement from women. Simps will go anywhere women are: supply generates its own demand.
Engineers and data scientists optimizing for brutal efficiency have reached the same conclusions incels have: factors outside of your physical attractiveness are inconsequential. It’s bad for business to waste developer and user time on highlighting your other “strengths”.
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