in our house we just finished watching every episode of sex and the city, and both movies

it was bad and idk why we did that
cn: chat abt portrayals of sexual violence, racism, misogyny, queerphobia, transphobia, classism, and other bullshit from SATC
main takeaway is that not one of the main four women are good, at all. the show doesnt know this because its also not good.

and, carrie is sexually assaulted by big and it's just ignored, implicitly played like "passion"

(in the hotel elevator when she's still with aiden)
miranda is the only one with any real problems, but shes still like... very ric

not charlotte-rich, but definitely rich
who do we think makes more money, nyc law firm partner miranda or nyc movie star publicist samantha?
theres loads already written about the girls' unrealistic apartments but more insulting was when miranda went from having a fucking huge apartment to suddenly "its too small" for her + steve + baby bradey

at first its massive, then it changes but its still a 2 bed!
also tho the set design is clearly not where they spent money. they all basically have live laugh love wall decalls
its been said before but samantha should have been the sex columnist

- never communicates! about anything!
- can't do dirty talk
- doesn't think bisexuality is real
- thinks gay porn is funny
the show constantly tells us that carrie's writing is smart, funny, and sexy

but it shows us "men and women might be from different planets, but we're moving closer. maybe now we're in neighboring zip codes"
the first movie goes out of its way to tell us that carrie has always loved books. she wants to get married in the ny library

but the only writing we see her read is her own, and bergers

you know what she really loves? shoes. go with that. don't retcon her literary
remember the sti test episode?

"smart" single promiscuous women in their 30s but they've never been to the clinic :/
standford was my fav man in the show when i was in high school and i was shocked to see that anthony gets way more plot and screen time
your fav SATC man
aiden: mostly fine actually

smith: a sexy lamp with no personality

harry: also mostly fine

steve: a puppydog with no personality
your fav SATC man
asshole edition
my new fav SATC guy is the 20something bi guy that carrie ghosts

she says "i'll be right back just having a smoke" knowing she'll never return or even speak to him again, what kind of deadbeat dad shit
ooh other terrible men that the show portrays as fine:

- angry guy who emotionally abuses his wife
- secret sex camera guy
- angry guy who miranda fucks
- carrie's boss at vogue who basically flashes her
remember when carrie encourages a cute guy to break his 12 step progress by dating before hes ready, and he relapses and she "couldn't help but wonder... am i really that addictive?"
why did they pick papirosen — an emotional yiddish folk song about a starving orphan in a jewish ghetto — as the theme to play over harry and charlotte's comical "bad luck" wedding. why did they do that.

cn: holocaust imagery
look i don't want to get into the second movie but i can't stop thinking about how orange carrie looks the whole time. she was a producer on that film why'd she let them do that to her
the only realistic reaction to carrie's writing is from petrovsky's peers who are supposed to be too highbrow to appreciate carrie's column but actually they don't laugh because "the last time anyone enjoyed 69ing was in 1969" is just not funny. thats nothing carrie
the audience: ok so what kind of sex do you think is good carrie? could you describe it in any way that might help a partner meet your needs or fulfil your desires? maybe even just tell us a position you like?

carrie: no ❤
she just makes a bad pun and raises her eyebrow
hey remember when samantha complains about gentrification and then calls the cops on the black trans sex workers on her block? or when she dumps water on them from her window, ruining their hair/makeup?

dw they all hang out at sam's rooftop bbq later, it's cool
honestly how many times does samantha say tr*nny in that show
remember samantha's afro wig
why did anthony and stanford get married. why did they write it like that. they fucking hated each other.
whos the most despicable of the girls
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