As a black person, I have to always have it in my mind to set myself up for negativity because I am simply black. When I stream, I have to prepare how to act if someone is racist. When I write a tweet about race, I have to prepare to have racist replies back. It's tiring.
The world will always be full of ignorant people but we are allowed to NOT have those kinds of people in our community, in our chats, on our follow lists. These kinds of people will continue to feel there are no consequences from their actions if people are silent. Speak on it.
This can't all be on me. There have been plenty of times that people will retweet me in support of racial issues, and their racist followers start coming at me and then say nothing. This is when you have to regulate or at least make sure these people aren't in your circle.
As I plan to continue to work in this industry, if someone speaks on an issue they are dealing with, they shouldn't be left to just deal with it or "ignore it, it is the internet." Ignoring is the problem. THAT IS WHY I HAVE TO PREPARE FOR THE WORST because the ignoring part
People of Color should and always should HAVE HAD a seat at the table. It is why I refuse to stop because I have worked just as hard as anyone to get a place at the table. I want other folks to feel they can as well.
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