And there it is - the real agenda behind the globalist-induced hysteria, verbalized. The WHO's recommendation of lockdowns, contact tracing, and then masks was never about stopping the virus from spreading.

The mask has slipped (pun intended).

WHO Director-General fantasizing about a cleaner environment as a result of reduced pollution w/o even mentioning the great costs to human life that afforded such a pollution reduction is significant.

Climate change alarmists' focus is on Mother Earth, not its human inhabitants.
The quote in the screenshot below (top left) is very interesting also.

WHO and Bill Gates are simultaneously saying we need a vaccine to end the pandemic/return to normal (pics 2-3), AND we can't return to normal even once we have an effective vaccine.

They are also contradicting themselves by saying on one hand that an effective vaccine is needed to end the pandemic, while simultaneously saying we may never even have a vaccine, or if we do, it won't end the pandemic on its own (meaning it won't be very effective).
Why did WHO bizarrely contradict itself and its chief funder and advocate?

My hypothesis is that their 2 main goals - vaccine development to satisfy the needs of their Big Pharma sponsors, and reducing global CO2 emissions via reduced economic activity - came into conflict.
The WHO's short term goal is to ensure development of an effective covid vaccine. To do that, they must convince the world that life can only return to normal once an effective covid vaccine is available.

Otherwise there woud be no incentive to develop covid vaccines.
Their long term goal is to reduce global CO2 emissions and pollution by using climate change alarmism to convince govts to switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, & individuals to reduce their energy use.
This goal is the WHO DG's premise for saying "world leaders and the public must learn to manage the virus and make permanent adjustments to their daily lives to bring the virus down to low levels."

That is, we can never return to normal life; we need a "new normal."
However, you wouldn't need to make permanent adjustments to manage this virus if an effective vaccine produced herd immunity in the global population, unless... there was another reason for wanting everyone in the world to make those permanent adjustments to their daily lives.
So the WHO is assuming that most people won't see their sleight of hand and contradictions I've described in this thread, and unfortunately, that assumption is correct.
So people everywhere will continue to believe we need a vaccine to save us, AND govt leaders will use these quotes by WHO to justify draconian policies even if an effective vaccine does become available soon.

We can only hope that some leaders & citizens won't fall for this ruse
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