2007: Could've been better, wasn't winning anything anyways
2011: Wasn't sure who's team it was, choked, simple as that

But since then??? Good lord... I think you can argue he's been the GOAT Finals performer since then. Just keep reading...
30.5/10.7/8.0??? I mean come on... Throw in 2 steals and a block each game??? And on like 56 TS%??? That's unreal...

Only been favored once? But won 3? How do you do that dog??? First ever 3-1 comeback to cap off one of the greatest Finals performances ever???
Be the first to lead both teams in points/rebounds/assists? Not enough. Lead both in points/rebounds/assists/steals/blocks the next year. Then a triple double the next year. Because why not???
Two Game 7's??? Won 'em both... Average 32/12/8/2/2?????? Nah dog... that can't be right. That don't make sense. And on 58 TS%???
Not to mention it all defined by one of the greatest plays of all-time in the block, and arguably the greatest defensive play ever.

Along with one of the greatest Finals games ever, and certainly the greatest Finals game in a loss. Some of the stuff he's done doesn't make sense.
Now I still think MJ is the GOAT Finals performer ~because of~ that 2011 series. MJ never had a moment like that where he just froze up and underperformed so much. And in part 2007.

But if we pretend those two series don't exist... LeBron the GOAT Finals performer to me.
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