Our generation has the privilege of witnessing the unfolding of history- a time of moral reckoning with our nation’s apathy towards the very truths that forge its majesty. We’re at an inflection point that demands our endemic creed finally comes to pass— all are created equal.
We must move forward from this moment not just outraged by the extremist behavior of Trump towards minorities, but the indifference of countless leaders—both Republican and Democrat—who came before him. We must be determined to not just restore decency but to enact equality.
A more perfect union struggles to be born—and we’ve yet to see what the true America looks like. A land where the promises of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is available to everyone regardless of what they look like, who they love, or how they worship.
But there is a greatness and a goodness in America that I believe will conquer the falsehood and malice which holds us back. The strength and resiliency of this light has been proven through civil war and civil disobedience.

We know in our core what is right and what is needed.
It is up to us—all who choose to be young in this moment—to co-labor and push for change. There is no going back. There is only forward. And we must move forward as one.

We cannot solve the problems of our time unless we solve them together.
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