A thread of all the things the Democratic Party has done to make the world a better place.

Let’s start here: 1920
Under the leadership of Democratic President Woodrow Wilson, the U.S. Constitution was amended to grant women the right to vote.
1916 Woodrow Wilson (D) signs law establishing the National Park Service. #DemocratsHelpPeople
1933-1939 The New Deal. Franklin Roosevelt (D) instituted a series of economic & employment programs which got us out of the Great Depression. The New Deal included the Social Security Act, ensuring Americans could retire w/ dignity & peace of mind. #DemocratsHelpPeople
1938 – the Federal Minimum Wage is signed into law by President Roosevelt (D). Democrats have fought ever since to increase. #DemocratsHelpPeople
Between 1941-1945, Democratic presidents oversaw the conduct of and victory in the Second World War, defeating fascism and Nazis in Europe and Japanese Imperialism in the Pacific. #DemocratsHelpPeople
1961 JFK (D) gives his “We choose to go to the moon” speech, setting America on the path to be the first nation to land on the moon.

1939, 1961, 1964, Dem presidents sign food stamp acts, now called SNAP, expanding food access to millions of Americans. #DemocratsHelpPeople
1961 JFK issues Executive Order 10925, instituting affirmative action for the first time. #DemocratsHelpPeople
1963 JFK issues Executive Order 11111, federalizing the national guard to integrate schools in Alabama. #DemocratsHelpPeople
1964 LBJ (D) signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964, ending legal segregation and racial discrimination. While there is still a long way to go, Democrats lead the way. #DemocratsHelpPeople
1965 LBJ Signs the Voting Rights Act of 1965. STILL opposed by Republicans, it countered institutionalized racism in the voting booth. #DemocratsHelpPeople
1965 LBJ signs Medicare and Medicaid into law, guaranteeing seniors and low income Americans will have access to affordable and effective healthcare regardless of their income.

1967 Thurgood Marshall appointed first black SCOTUS justice by LBJ #DemocratsHelpPeople
1972 – Shirley Chisolm (D) became the first black person to be a major party candidate for the presidency of the United States. #DemocratsHelpPeople
1973- Democrats ensure removal of criminal Republican president. #DemocratsHelpPeople
1976-1980 – Jimmy Carter (D) bolsters social security, expands national park service.
1978 – Jimmy Carter spearheads the Camp David Accords, leading directly to the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty of the following year. #DemocratsHelpPeople
1984 – Geraldine Ferraro (D) is the first woman selected as Vice Presidential Nominee of major political party. #DemocratsHelpPeople
1994 – President Clinton (D) signs the Violence Against Women Act, authored by @JoeBiden, into law. #DemocratsHelpPeople
1994 President Clinton signs the Assault Weapons Ban.

1997 President Clinton signs the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) into law, insuring millions of children. #DemocratsHelpPeople
2001 Barbara Lee (D) votes against expanding presidential use of force powers. #DemocratsHelpPeople
2007 Nancy Pelosi (D) becomes the first woman elected Speaker of the House of Representatives. #DemocratsHelpPeople
‘08 Barack Obama (D) elected 1st Black president in American history.

‘10 President Barack Obama (D) signs the ACA into law, extending health insurance to millions of Americans.

‘09 Obama appoints Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, making her the 1st Latina Justice.
2014 President Obama successfully manages Ebola outbreak preventing epidemic. #DemocratsHelpPeople
1999 Tammy Baldwin (D) becomes first openly gay woman elected to Congress.

2012 Barney Frank (D) becomes first member of Congress to marry someone of the same sex while in office

2017 Danica Roem (D) becomes 1st Trans person elected to a state legislature. #DemocratsHelpPeople
Across the nation, on issues of abortion, women’s rights, access to healthcare, racial justice, LGBTQ rights, economic justice, and personal freedoms, at every level of government, Democrats lead the way. #DemocratsHelpPeople
Rose and anyone bleating the same “dEmOcRaTs DoNt HeLp PeOpLe” nonsense, your lies are going to hurt people less privileged than you. It’s the kind of thing an ACTUAL fraud would do. Thousands of people are dying a day but you go on with your hyperbolic attention seeking tweets.
Please add on to the thread with anything I missed! Also, if you have any personal stories about how policy set forth by the Democratic Party has helped you, please share.

Just use the #DemocratsHelpPeople in your tweet!
You can follow @Alyssa_Milano.
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