My dear manga nerds,

to start the weekend with energy, how about we share our favorite manga related moments? I start. But it's a bit personal & silly, so don't laugh!
There was a time, it was around 10 years ago, I had just moved out from home, pretty much all on my own, had no money, no orientation, no direction to go to. I was an avid manga reader, using every penny I had to buy manga & food. Around this time I was (once again) addicted to..
Detective Conan, this manga saved me in a way before when it taught me being smart is a good asset to have, now it kinda lured me into thinking I would be a good police detective. I was strongly considering it. I wanted to apply & all. But for certain reasons it didn't happen.
However I'm still often thinking about how my life would have been solving murders haha it's one of my fondest, silliest memories since I was so easily swayed into this direction when I had no real home base. I'm still reading Conan, so who knows. Probably getting a bit old now..
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