Is the theory of deterrence here that some 12 year old somewhere will not misbehave because they'll think, "This will break the New York Times after I win a Democratic primary for state legislature 7 years in the future"?
There's all kinds of weird, messed up people out there in America who go onto do great things. Ask anyone who does social work, volunteers with or teach underprivileged folks, outcasts, and loners. And a lot of those folks are older than 12 years old...
I remember when basically every Dem elite in America wanted Ralph Northam to resign for something symbolically offensive he did 30 years ago (which would've resulted in Virginia being run by someone who has 2 rape allegations against him).
In an actual democratic system that represents the people, you're going to get *a lot* of imperfect people with skeletons in their closet in higher office. If only perfect people sign up, you're going to get an unrepresentative type of politics.
Some people will likely protest, "Well I didn't do X!" Well, good for you! You are so spotless and clean and faultless. But in a complex society inhabited by *human beings* tons of people do have flaws and blemishes and they can still go on to be good leaders and decent folks.
It doesn't mean their flaws and blemishes aren't flaws and blemishes, it just means they can still be a step forward even in a position of leadership by having learned from the experience and by having good ideas about policy and administration, which outweigh personal qualities.
Meanwhile we have this magnifying glass on every aspect of someone's personal conduct -- even as a middle schooler -- when we don't apply the same magnifying glass to policy (how you use power to impact millions of people) because our politics is so superficial and shallow.
Tracy Flick! Who, if you are familiar with the movie, is not actually a great leader.
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