My 10 year prediction for 🇿🇦

Over the next 5 years, corruption will accelerate and eventually outweigh tax revenue.

In the 5 years following, South Africa will default on its debt and will be classified a failed state.


By 2030, 100% of high net worth families would have emigrated financially. Their skills, local expenditure and jobs they created will evaporate with them.

Protected Cape Town areas and a few South Coast towns will be the only remaining properties of value.

Due to elevated tention between farmers and land grabbers, tourism outside the Western Cape will cease to exist. Less and less food will be produced.

South Africa's wildlife will become the primary source of food and eventually force most species into extinction.

Stellenbosch and surrounding areas will become the main political battlefield and will suffer the most significant loss in commercial value.

Stellenbosch will later come to symbolise the final straw in the Africanisation of South Africa.

The ANC won't allow the peaceful transition of power. They will use force to gain control over the military and eventually the judicial system.

SA will have two distinct classes: the ANC Bourgeoisie and a slave class, completely dependant on social grants.
And do you know who I blame for all of this?

Not the ANC – SA was always going to end this way. It happened to 100% of Africa. This is the natural state of an African country.

I blame the educated, liberal elite, predominantly white, inner-city, middle class.
It was the @NickolausBauer's of SA that called for Constantia golf courses to be turned into RDP housing.

It was the @ferialhaffajee's that supported the EFF and told us how racist we were for not believing in a unified future, while at the same time playing up racial division.
From corporate SA, to @maxdupreez, @SimonPGrindrod or my woke friends, who I thankfully don't see that often anymore, (who mind you, are leaving in their droves), all of whom, refused to do anything against SA's demise, but instead chose to contribute towards it.
The thing I find most fascinating is how liberalism went from something people went to war for, to a feeble minded willingness to surrender to anyone who wants to take something from you.

Well, we have these delusional, inner-city narcissists to thank for the state of SA.
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