I don‘t know who needs to hear this but someone being autistic doesn’t give them the right to mistreat you.

You have the right to set boundaries, to demand that they be respected, to speak up when they get violated, to not engage or to disengage.

(It’s me. I need to hear this.)
Apparently this is something especially white cis autistic men need to learn.

I encounter quite a lot of them who (accidentally or not) mistreat people, and when called out use their autism as an excuse and to play victim.

It‘s a worrisome trend that needs addressing.
There are autistic communication differences which should be accepted and accommodated - never mocked, punished, shamed etc.

Then there are douchy things, and being autistic isn‘t a justification for those.

I won‘t stand for autistics using autism to justify being douchebags.
You can follow @autistictic.
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