Large projects are the capstones for our growth.

People struggle because they approach them the wrong way.

This will be a quick thread highlighting my takeaways on how to increase the number of projects you complete and can work on at once!

- A Thread -
1. Mentally break down the task into small chunks

Fundamentally projects are a sum of their parts.

Working on small tasks of a project reduces the friction that you need to approach a new task with.

"Brainstorm the outline" is a lot more inviting than "Write 10 page paper"
2. Treat the project as a slow burn

Projects are not meant to be rushed.

Focus on constantly adding resources to your project.

Small progress add up. Writing just 500 words a day for a month leads to 15,000 words.
3. Interjects Sprints during Flow States

There are times where you need to dedicate time to your project for it to take off.

Ideally, you want to spend your effort and energy when you are in the flow of work, reducing distractions etc.
4. Share your early drafts of the project

This is the fundamental basis of advocates for "building in public."

There is no need to feel that a polished version of your product is necessary for you to share.

People love stories and stories are built by sharing process.
You can follow @brandonthezhang.
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